chapter 11 fanfic 5

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Bold=hookfang reading.
Issa: ok now whos next.
Hookfang: i will.
Then issa gave hookfang the book and soon began to read.

Growth spurt by fanaticChick

How does one suddenly go from being the shortest to one of the tallest vikings of his age? A look into a few reactions of Hiccup's sudden growth spurt...

Hiccup looked exited.





Well, that certainly wasn't a noise Stoick was used to waking up to this early in the morning.

Hiccup: more like roaring.

"Hiccup?" he mumbled, opening a bleary eye and raising himself from his bed, wondering what kind of trouble his son had managed to get himself into now. Especially at such a ridiculous hour. The sun had barely risen for Thor's sake!

Hiccup smacked his dad arm as stoick was rubbing his arm.

When Stoick finally managed to get out of bed and trudge into the main room, he didn't know whether to roll his eyes or be absolutely worried. His lanky, eighteen year old son had clearly tripped down the stairs from his bedroom, and was now currently pushing himself into a sitting position after landing ever so (not) gracefully on his face.

"Hiccup! What happened?"

Hiccup grumbled as he sat atop the bottom stair, giving one of his usual shrugs. "Nothing, Dad. Just tripped over this stupid leg, again," he explained, tapping his prosthetic on the wooden floorboards grumpily.

Hiccup paled.

Issa: sorry hiccup but um you will lose your foot.

Both Stoick and Hiccup lifted their heads when the front door creaked open, only to find Toothless nudging his way into the shack, crooning in concern for his rider. Stoick sighed, realising that Hiccup must have been on his way to one of his early morning flights before tripping.

His brow creased in concern and he pulled as his beard subconsciously. That was the third time this week alone Hiccup had tripped over his metal leg. He could not help but also think of how much his son had been awkwardly limping around the village too; bent over and leaning on one side like an aged man. Clearly the leg was giving him great pain.

"All right, c'mon then," said Stoick, quickly grasping Hiccup underneath the shoulders before hoisting him up, "up we get."

Slowly, he helped his son hobble over to the closet chair by the table with Toothless following not too far behind, keeping a close, bright green eye on his buddy, nudging one of his hands worriedly.

"I'm fine, bud," assured Hiccup as he sat down with a groan, rubbing an affectionate hand across the Night Fury's muzzle. "Really, it's nothing to worry about. S'not like I haven't done it before, you know me."

"Yes, but it's not usually this often," said Stoick, eyeing Hiccup warily. "Something's wrong with that contraption, take it off for a moment."

Unusually, Hiccup obeyed willingly and pried of his leg with another pained groan. Stoick frowned and motioned for Toothless to stay with his son while he went outside to fill a tub of water. Upon bringing it back inside and placing it atop some coals which the dragon quickly ignited, Stoick placed his hand in the water, waiting for it to heat to an appropriate temperature.

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