chapter 19 fanfic 9 ch 5

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Bold=valka reading.
Valka: issa may i go next?
Issa: of course valka.
Then issa handed valka the book as she started to read.

Chapter 5: mildew

"I still don't know why the Chief is making us help him move his damned Cabbages." Snotlout complained as they flew to the other side of Berk. "And so early in the morning too!"

Hiccup: i dont "know".

Stoick sank down.

"Because it's the first time since the dragons became out friends that his Cabbages have actually become fully grown." Astrid said for what was probably the 100th time, and ignoring the last part.

"If he had just listened to Hiccup and put-" Fishlegs started but was cut off by the Twins.

Valka: um hiccup does your dad ever listen to you?

Both son and father stayed silent.

Valka: oh my thor.

"Ew, who even likes Cabbages anyway?" Ruffnut interrupted.

"I know, it's like eating crunchy, wrinkly, sour leaves." Tuffnut said, a look of disgust on his face

"Does it really matter? Dad told us to help him harvest, and that's what we'll do." Hiccup sighed. "Even if he hates dragons, and hates us for not hating dragons, an order is an order, we have to put our differences behind us. Even if we don't want to."

Everyone but Astrid groaned in annoyance. It was a common reaction to have when anything that dealt with the grouchy old Mildew. No one in the village liked him, even before the war with the Dragons ended, but then he mostly kept to himself, with only the his sheep, Fungus, to keep him company. However, now that he wasn't in mortal danger of being eaten by the dragons, he came around more often, usually to complain about said dragons.

Mildew: hey!

Hiccup: stick a cabage up your a## Mildew!

Stoick: ya!

No one really paid attention to him anymore, even when his complaints were solid. The dragons, for some reason, had a habit of burning up his cabbage patch, no one really minded because cabbage wasn't something a lot of people liked to eat, nor was it that good or nutritious, so it was often over looked. It had been a long time since Mildew had an actual successful crop, and Mildew was finally leaving everyone alone about never getting anything from it, but now he was complaining about being too old to harvest and transport the cabbage, which is what led Hiccup and the other Teens to head over to the small farm house to help harvest, via orders from their Chief.

"AHH! Get those monsters away from my field!" Mildew yelled as he ran out of his little house as he heard the teens fly closer on their dragons, Fungus right behind him. "No dragons! Get them away!"

"How are we supposed to help you harvest and transport you cabbages if we can't use the dragons?" Snotlout yelled down.

"With the carriage!" Mildew yelled, waving his staff towards a fairly large, but beat up, barely standing, pull carriage.

Stoick: yes mildew how if the carriage will probuly break there thor damn backs.

"Oh Thor! We can't use that!" Ruff said in exasperation as they landed.

"That thing's older than you!" Tuff groaned then snickered at his own joke.

"I don't care! No dragons!" Mildew glared at them all before turning around and heading back inside his home, his sheep following him.

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