chapter 4 fanfic 3 ch 1

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Bold=gobber reading
Gobber: issa can i read next?
Issa: sure gobber.
Then issa handed gobber the book.
Issa: ok so this is actually the first chapter fanfiction we had and its called.
Get well soon by earth star.

Since arriving on dragons edge,the teens of berk have had to face many challenges...but none as hard as attempting to care of a sick hiccup.

Stoick: this will not end well.

Hiccup just rolled his eyes.

Chapter 1

It was a perfect morning to fly. There was a breeze providing the needed updraft for take off. No cloud in the sky, which meant there was no rain to water down and tear his wings. Except for Toothless, there wasn't a dragon in sight to interrupt or accidently crash into. Finally, in case of an emergency landing, the new spot he picked had nothing, but a pond and bushes below. It couldn't be a better place for his test flight.

Everyone pales.

Hiccup grinned as he adjusted his makeshift wings and looked to Toothless. "Okay, Bud, ready for the test flight of the Dragon Fly 6?"

The Night Fury kept his deadpan and unimpressed expression as he gave a growl, which Hiccup knew translated into "No, you stupid human. I'm not."

Toothless nodded in agreement.

"Ah, come on, Toothless," Hiccup encouraged as he patted the dragon's head. "I'm certain I worked out all the kinks, and I'm extra certain the wings won't fall apart this time."

Toothless growled again.

"It only happened that one time," Hiccup argued with a sigh. "Honestly, you're as bad as Astrid."

Astrid had been making clear lately, or at least strongly encouraging, Hiccup to give up on the flight suit idea. Hiccup was starting to believe her threat of locking him up grew more tempting for her after each test flight. Thus was the reason why Hiccup purposely got up early and went to test his his latest flight suit before the other teens woke up.

The only accompaniment Hiccup had was Toothless in case he needed assistance in an emergency landing. Even if Hiccup thought he didn't need it, Toothless had been refusing to let Hiccup out of his sight whenever he took out one of his test flight suits. Hiccup couldn't lose Toothless even if he wanted to.

He stared over the ledge, letting the breeze ruffle his hair as he placed his hands into the cuffs of his wings.

"Okay," he declared as he got into position. "1...2...3!"

Hiccup jumped into the air. His heart pounded as he started to fall, but suddenly the wind caught up and tossed him into the air like a leaf. Hiccup laughed as he soared through the sky and grinned back to Toothless.

"It's working!" he cried. "See, Toothless, I told you it would-"

A sudden blast of wind came roaring through and caught the viking off guard. The wind twirled Hiccup around like fan. He tried to keep keep his arms steady, but the force of the wind and spinning proved too much and to his horror he dropped.

Arrg!" Hiccup cried with Toothless crying out in unison as he fell.

He skimmed the pond and braced himself by shutting his eyes as the bushes came into view. Hiccup landed with a hard thud as he felt his body roll and crash.

Everyone winced.

Drago: is he accidnet prone?

All but hiccup: yes!

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