chapter 10 fanfic 4

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Bold=hiccup reading.
Hiccup was very exited to read as both him and issa were smiling evily.

Fluent tongues.

When ruffnut and tuffnut anger hiccup,he decides to show his friends something new about him. (One shot)

Everyone but stoick and hiccup were confused.

Hiccup was angry. Well, that was the underestimate of the year. No matter how hard he tried to get Ruffnut and Tuffnut to listen, the results were always the same. The twins had no respect for their heir and teacher, and so, whenever he told them to do one thing, they did the exact opposite.

They hadn't listened to him at all the previous day, so he had punished them, telling them both that they had to meet him at the academy earlier than the others to make up for lost work. Unfortunately, they were just making more for themselves.

"WOULD YOU GUYS STOP IT!?" he yelled, just as they got ready to tell their dragon to fire at a barrel.

"We could if we would," said Tuffnut.

"But we can't, so we shant," said Ruffnut. Then, they commanded their dragons to fire, which the Zippleback did, blasting the barrel out of existence. Hiccup growled under his breath.

Stoick facepalmed.

As if on cue, Astrid, Fishlegs and Snotlout arrived for their daily lessons as well. They landed their dragons and dismounted, rushing into the academy to find the source of the smoke. Their terror ended when they saw Ruffnut and Tuffnut mounted on Barf and Belch, along with a furious Hiccup and angered Toothless.

"Another fun day," said Astrid as she slid off Stormfly's back. "What are they doing?"

"Everything but what I tell them to do," said Hiccup in response.

"Easy," said Fishlegs. "Whatever you want them to do, tell them to do the opposite. If you don't want them to blow stuff up, then tell them to blow stuff up. It'll work."

"I tried that twice," said Hiccup, shaking his head as he turned to Fishlegs. "It didn't work. They may act like complete lunatics, but they're both smart when they want to be."

In front of them, Ruffnut and Tuffnut blew up another barrel, leaving the academy to fill with smoke. Astrid coughed and waved it away with her hands, the others around her doing the same.

"THAT IS IT!" Hiccup shouted. Everyone instantly turned and looked at them. "Sono stanco che combiniate sempre guai!" he shouted.

Everyone but stoick lookef at hiccup as valka was amazed that her son could speak a different langauge.

"What?" said Astrid.

"Non lo saprai mai," said Hiccup.

"What is he doing?" said Snotlout.

"I have no idea," said Fishlegs. "Hiccup, what's this about?"

"Mi store vendicando," said Hiccup. He laughed as if it were hilarious.

"I think he's talking in some other language," said Astrid.

"Oh, ma dai?" Hiccup asked.

"Hiccup," said Tuffnut. "Cut it out now, dude. You're kind of freaking me out. This isn't funny."

Hiccup smiled.

"Sì lo è!" Hiccup laughed.

At that exact moment, Stoick entered the academy, looking at the other riders: Astrid, who looked furious; Snotlout, who looked confused; Fishlegs, who looked concerned; Ruffnut and Tuffnut who both looked weirded out; and then lastly, Hiccup, who looked proud of himself.

"Okay, what's going on?" said Stoick.

"Mi stavano esasperando!" Hiccup shouted.

Stoick sighed. "He's doing it again," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Hiccup smiled.

"Doing what?" said Astrid. "Why is he doing this?"

"He's obviously mad at you," said Stoick. Hiccup nodded. "When he's mad at you, he'll speak in other languages to make you mad at him in return." Hiccup grinned, and nodded. "It drives me nuts," Stoick groaned.

Drago: remind me not to get on his bad side.

"Ha ragione. Mi state tutti infastidendo immensamente proprio ora," said Hiccup.

"WHAT!?" Astrid shouted.

"Era ora!" Hiccup shouted, saluting slightly as he turned and walked out of the arena, Toothless following him. "Non vorrei essere nei vostri! Panni adesso!

"Where do you think you're going!?" Astrid yelled.

"Via!" Hiccup shouted in response, mounted Toothless, and then took to the sky.

"I am very, very, very confused right now," said Fishlegs. "How many languages does Hiccup speak?"

"He speaks five fluent languages," said Stoick, rubbing a hand over his eyes. "I don't know where he picks it up."

Hiccup: i learn it dumba##.

"How did I never know this before?" said Astrid.

"Not many people know," said Stoick. "He really doesn't get mad very often, and when he does, he doesn't usually speak in another language like that; only when he is really angry. Consider yourselves lucky," he added.

"Lucky!?" said Astrid.

All but stoick and Hiccup: lucky?!

"Yes," said Stoick. "You don't live with him."

Hiccup gasped.

Hiccup: how dare you?!

Stoick: sorry hiccup.

Author: hey guys so i hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you guys in the next chapter bye!

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