chapter 12 fanfic 6

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Issa: ok who is going to read next?
?????: i will.
Issa looked and gasped.
Issa: flame!
Then issa hugged flame.
Issa: here.
Then flame began to read.

Httyd one-shots by tuffnut and chicken

Chapter 1:its more than just a stuff animal

Description: When Hiccup is caught with the stuffed dragon his mother made, Snotlout decides that he can prove Hiccup still had stuffed toys and begins to bully Hiccup.

Hiccup looked down remembering that he threw the toy away.

The sun loomed over the Edge, making the island feel comforting. The waves weren't high as the crisp air felt soothing against any showing flesh or scales. Clouds slowly moved in the sky as the clear blue of the sky was alone, no dragon flew, nor walked the paths of the Edge. Instead each rider and dragon had opened the dome and relaxed. There were chats, a few fights from the twins, and the Gronkle rider reading the dragon book.

Astrid waited for Hiccup to show up, yet his presents still missing. The warm feeling Astrid got when she heard his voice and looked at his smile. The freckles that were placed on his cheeks. He meant everything to Astrid, but when he wasn't near her side, giggling and being the dork he is. It just felt like a empty hole on her heart and soul.

"I wonder where Hiccup is?" Fishlegs speaks up, reading Astrid's mind.

"He is probably goofing off somewhere." Snotlout scoffs. Hiccup had Astrid wrapped around his finger, so he clearly got jealous at Astrid crushing on someone else but the Snot. He had to find something that made Hiccup look weak.

Hiccup: never in a million years.

On cue, Hiccup walked up to his friends after closing his saddle bag.

"Hiccup!" Astrid yells with joy. She runs to him and snakes her arms around him. After their little hug, she pulls away and punches his shoulder.

"What did I do this time?" Hiccup asked, rubbing his now bruised shoulder.

"Left me with these people."

"Hey!" Fishlegs says, sounding a little hurt but confused. Astrid turns to Fishlegs.

"Not you." Astrid smiles as she faces Hiccup again. Snotlout stared at the bag and thought. Hiccup put something in there without letting anyone see it. Snotlout grinned at his thought and suddenly stood up and sauntered to Toothless' side, opening the bag.

"Snotlout what are you doing?" Hiccup says frustrated. He didn't answer. Instead he kept his grin as his fingers graze against some cloth before yanking it out. A small stuffed dragon laid in his firm hands.

"What is this?!" Snotlout laughs.

"Don't touch that." Hiccup tries to steal it back, but Snotlout moved his hands each time, dodging Hiccup's angry grasps.

Hiccup glared at snotlout as valka was angry sntolout was making fun of a tot she made.

"This piece of garbage! Hiccup grow up and stop playing with toys."

"It isn't a toy Snotlout, it is way more than that."

"HA! This ugly thing, please I could have better things than this." Snotlout dangles the stuffed dragon by it's leg. "I think Astrid should find a man who doesn't sleep with a stuffed animal." He dropped the dragon onto the concrete as Hiccup looks with sad eyes. Astrid folded her arms, ready to punch Snotlout. She never knew Hiccup played with toys, but Snotlout shouldn't do this! Hiccup crouched down and gently pulled the stuffed toy into his arms like it was someone who was slowly dying.

"Be careful with this!" Hiccup spats. Snotlout grinned, his plan might be working. A feeling of guilt poked at his stomach, but he ignored it.

"Why, it is nothing but a worthless piece of crap. Who ever gave it to you, must have been worthless." Hiccup went eye wide, he had been holding in his tears, trying to look strong but the salty tears fell down his cheeks. "Ah look he's crying.


Then stoick holded hiccup down from killing his cousin.

"SNOTLOUT YOU BETTER SHUT IT!" Astrid yells. She looked at Hiccup who had lowered his head before running off into the woods. Shouts from Fishlegs, Astrid, and the Twins finally vanished as Toothless dashed behind his rider. Hiccup finally stopped and fell onto the ground, the tears quickly falling as his sobs grow louder. Toothless nudged his rider before draping his giant wing around his sad human. He didn't want to cry, but Snotlout went too far. Hiccup was going to turn 20 in February, he shouldn't be doing this, but Snotlout insulted his mother.

And she was taken from him.

Hiccup then started to cry as valka looked upset.

"Snotlout!" Fishlegs yells, joining Astrid. "You don't even know who made that!"

"And doing that just so you could date me. That is low, even for you."


"Two things Snotlout. One, you bullied Hiccup, and two, you made him cry."

"So it has to be really serious." Fishlegs says turning to Astrid.

"I am going to look for him, all of you are coming with. Even you Snotlout." The riders didn't respond as they hopped onto their dragons and took off towards the woods. Everyone calling Hiccup's name.

Down on the ground, Toothless' ear plates shot up as repeats of Hiccup's name where being called. His human's friends. He roared and shot a plasma blast, signaling them his location.

Stormfly was the first to land as her rider hopped off and ran to Toothless, who lifted his wing, to reveal Hiccup curled in a ball, clutching the stuffed animal close to his chest as his eyes were shut. "Hiccup?" Astrid gently asks. The calm laced in her voice.

"Go away." Hiccup's hoarse voice echoed, and it made her heart break. She lifted her crush up and wrapped her arms around his shivering body. His head leaned on her shoulder as the toy remained in the same spot. Her hand fell over his, as she looked at his green eyes, that were red and puffy.

"I am not leaving you. Tell me what is wrong, I won't make fun of you." Astrid says and runs her fingers through his hair. He gulped before speaking.

"R-remember when we went to Br-Breakneck Bog?" Each of the riders responded with a simple yes. "That chest from-from my mother." As mother escaped his lips, he began to spill more tears. Astrid rubbed his back while slowly rocking with him.

"Shh, keep going. It is okay."

"My dad said I could open it. For three years, I have never let go of this dragon. It-it was in the chest. My mother, she … made this for me." The riders gasped as Snotlout felt like he got trampled by a herd of yaks. "When Snotlout said those things, i just broke. When my mother is brought up. I-I can't help it, this is the only thing I have left of her." Snotlout fell down to Hiccup's level and put a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"I'm really sorry Hiccup, you never told us what was in that chest. I should have stayed quiet, I-" He was cut of by Hiccup, who pulled out of Astrid's grasp and hugged Snotlout. Snotlout didn't hesitate and held Hiccup back. The two finally pulled apart as Hiccup slumped back against Astrid with a small sniffle.

No one said anything, the cuddled around Hiccup and embraced him. The dragons wrapped their wings around the vikings as Hiccup falls asleep in Astrid's arms, too tired after crying for awhile. Astrid kissed his forehead as everyone stayed there, falling into a sleepful bliss as the wings were the tents.

The stuffed dragon placed firmly in the middle, laying in Hiccup's arms.

Above the sky, flew a flock of dragons after feeding with a StormCutter leading the way, far from the Edge.

Author: hey guys so i hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you guys in the next chapter bye!

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