chapter 18 fanfic 9 ch 4

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Bold=drago reading.
Issa: ok drago your next!
Drago: ok ok ill do it.
Then drago got the book and began to read.

Chapter 4: Drago Bludvist(Aka Drago Bloody Face)

Hiccup was so happy. Despite the army of dragons and vikings run by a crazy madman bent on enslaving all dragons to use at his whim, Hiccup was still very happy. How could he NOT be? He'd just found out that his mother was alive, after thinking she'd been killed by dragons for the bast 20 or so years. He'd never seen his father so happy before in his entire life. He finally had his family back together, with Gobber doing the cooking of course, and to top it all off, he found who he really was. He had never been like his father, sure he could do what Gobber had taught him to do and he liked it, but he wasn't a blacksmith down at heart, and now he knew why, he was like his mother.

Hiccup looked suprised.

Hiccup: issa.

Issa Turned around to look at hiccup who eyes were widen.

Issa: yes hiccup?

Hiccup: is my mom.......

Valka then removed her helmet as stoick and hiccup hugged her as everyone looked at them and soon they were back in there beanbags.

Hiccup was jarred out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of a dragon screech. He recognized that sound, even though they'd only met earlier that day, he could tell it was Cloudjumper, his mother's four winged dragon.

Cloudjumper smiled.

He quickly looked around for his mother, and spotted her falling to the ground, having been hit by a net. He steered Toothless towards where they fell, but didn't make it half way before he was distracted from helping her however when suddenly he heard someone screaming grunts and then the boats that filled the water started being pushed out of the way. Hiccup watched in shock as another Bewilderbeast, a black one, rose from the depths of the icy water.

"Another one?" Hiccup said stopping Toothless mid flight, pulling up his mask.

"That's a class 10, a CLASS 10!" Fishlegs screamed as he flew past Hiccup.

Drago: we all-never mind.

The massive dragon crushed boats, catapults, dragon traps, and vikings alike as it approached the Alpha for what could only be an incredibly dangerous fight.

Hiccup was distracted as he saw his father, on Scullcrusher, quickly heading for the base of the ice fortress, he quickly followed after them, remembering his mother and Cloudjumper had been hit with a net. When he arrived he saw his father helping his mother up from the ground and glaring at a large man, Hiccup guessed he must have been Drago Bludvist. He quickly swooped down and as he neared he could hear their conversation.

"Thank you." Valka said as she stood.

"For your my dear," Stoick said, grabbing his axe and twirling it between his hands. "Anything."

Drago made a barf sound as stoick flipped him off but no one but drago saw.

Just then the two Bewilderbeasts clashed, knocking tusks.

"Val, you think you can stop them?" Stoick asked.

"I'll do my best." Val said, freeing her dragon from the ropes. "Come on Cloudjumper!"

Hiccup watched for a moment as his mother flew off towards the two giant dragons. He looked down and saw his father taking on Drago.

"I watched you burn!" Drago hissed.

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