chapter 9 fanfic 3 ch 6

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Bold=issa reading.
Issa was more than ready to read again and was smiliny evily.

Chapter 6

Hiccup moaned, as he rolled to his side in his sleep. His body felt stiff, like he had been nothing but a statue for weeks. Didn't help matters his mind was hazy, and his tongue felt oddly fuzzy. Gradually, despite the urge to keep his eyes shut, Hiccup forced them to crack open.

First observation, he was in his hut. Second observation, Toothless was snoring next to his bed. Nothing new or strange there. However, his third observation of seeing Astrid sitting in a chair next to him as she read a book hinted something was amiss.

"Astrid? he asked, his voice cracking slightly. Man, he was dying for a drink.

Astrid paused and looked anxious as she turned to him. "You're awake," she stated as she set the book down. "How are you feeling?"

Hiccup groaned as he sat up holding his head. "Like the twins had used my head for a hammer, what happened?" He rubbed his eyes. "Last thing I remember was us arguing over my flight suit."

Toothless raised his head, looking equally thrilled as Astrid slowly smiled. "Wait," she said as she leaned forward. "You mean the one we had over breakfast?"

"Uh, yeah?" Hiccup replied. "What else would I Astrid?"

He trailed off and blushed as Astrid felt his forehead.

"You're fever is gone," she muttered and then grasped Hiccup by his face. "Quick question, who is standing in the room with you, right now?"

"Um, you," Hiccup said, wondering if Astrid was the one with the fever, "and Toothless."

The Night Fury tucked his head under Hiccup's arm happily. Astrid on the other hand grinned joyfully as she let Hiccup go and rushed to poke her head out the door. "Guys! Hiccup's back to normal!"

A series of fast pace feet echoed throughout the fort and Snotlout was first to reach the hut.

"Please, tell me this isn't a prank!" he demanded as Fishlegs and the twins joined in. "My back can't take another 'ride' if you're joking."

Everyone snickered.

"Uh...what?" Hiccup asked, but his question was tossed aside as Toothless cheerfully licked his face as if he hadn't seen Hiccup for a month.

"Nope, he seems back to the usual and mostly sane Hiccup," Astrid replied as she ushered them inside and folded her arms.

"Uh, can we really say 'sane' since that flight suit of his started this whole mess in the first place," Ruffnut asked.

Tuffnut held up the chicken who gave a loud bawk. "The chicken agrees with this statement," he said in a firm tone.

Tuffnut smiled.

The other dragons had poked their head in the door and each gave a growl like they agreed with the bird.

"Okay," Hiccup said as he held up his hand as he gently shoved Toothless away. "Will SOMEONE please tell me what's going on?"

"You got yourself poisoned, that's what!" Snotlout stated as he jabbed Hiccup's chest with his finger. "And nearly drove me crazy!"

Fishlegs sighed as he shoved Snotlout out of the way. "What he means is that when you crashed in your flight suit, you landed in some poisonous flowers that made you sick with a fever for the last week."

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