chapter 8 fanfic 3 ch 5

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Bold=ruffnut reading.
Ruffnut was very happy to finally read as she grabbed the book smiling.

Chapter 5

Ruffnut eyed the painted 'X' she had drawn on the wall as she angled her dagger.

"Almost, got it," she muttered and then threw it. The dagger flew and landed a few inches to the right off the mark.

"Rats," Ruffnut grumbled as she went to retrieve her weapon. "Okay, time for round ten."

Toothless gave a disapproving growl from his spot next to Hiccup's bed.

"Hey, you won't let me draw on Hiccup's face," Ruffnut replied as she twirled the dagger in her hands. "I need to do something to keep me busy."

Hiccup sank.

Toothless gave a judging glare until Ruffnut sighed.

"Fine," she said with a huff and slumped in a chair. She set the dagger on the floor and folded her arms over her chest. "This has to be the most boring job, EVER. Man, I hate this!" she whined.

Ruffnut then gave a sideline glance. Colour had returned to Hiccup's face, and his fever had been steadily going down in the last couple of days. However, while he was more stable, he still was having delusions each time he woke up. Hiccup was on the mend, but they weren't out of the woods that.

"I hate it when people are sick," she grumbled to Toothless. "All they do is lay there all helplessly, moan and groan. It's a pain to watch."

Just like it was with Scauldy. She flinched at the memory. For only knowing the dragon for a day, she had gotten oddly attached to the guy, which made it even worse to watch the creature be in so much pain and left to die. She was grateful they had been able to save him.

Ruffnut gasped in horror.

Still, that was bad enough for a dragon she just met, it was even worse for her to see people she personally knew in pain. Drumming her fingers against her arms, she glanced over her shoulder. Confirming no one was there, and no chance of Hiccup being conscious to hear it, she cleared her throat.

"Hey, Toothless," she started. "Can you keep a secret?"

The Night Fury tilted his head.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'," Ruffnut said as she slouched. "Truth is, I hate seeing people sick and there's nothing I can do about. Guess it's why I wanted to try all of those cures so badly." She shrugged. "Just made me feel like I was doing something, you know?"

Hiccup: aaawww ruffnut cares.

Toothless seemed to understand as he gave a nod.

She sighed. It felt good giving that off her chest...although if anyone had actually heard her she would forever deny it.

Suddenly, a moan was heard. Ruffnut sprung to her feet. Oh, great, so this was it! After seeing the mess Snotlout had to deal with she was prepared for anything.

Hiccup said nothing as he sat upright and looked around sniffing.

"Hiccup?" Ruffnut called out as Toothless joined her side. "You feeling-"

A growl cut her off.

Everyone looked confused.

Ruffnut huffed. "Well, no need to be cranky about it."

However, Hiccup didn't hear her and growled again as he climbed out of bed...and proceeded to crawl on the floor.

"Huh?" Ruffnut asked, scratching her head and Toothless mummered in concern.

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