chapter 5 fanfic 3 ch 2

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Bold=toothless reading.
Issa: who wants to read next?
Toothless: i will.
Everyone stared at the dragon.
Toothless: issa im ready.
Then toothless began reading.

Chapter 2

Astrid rubbed her hands to calm her nerves as Gobber and Gothi examined the flower she handed to them.

"Well?" she asked. "Do you recognize it?"

"Hmm...," Gobber muttered as he twirled the flower between his forefinger and thumb. "Will admit, I haven't seen it before."

Astrid's hopes sunk slightly. None of the teens had ever seen it before, but she had been hoping one of the adults had. If it really was a brand new plant, they were helpless to save Hiccup.

Astrid hadn't wasted a breath the minute she landed. She found Gobber and went straight to Gothi's hut. She had thought about telling Stoick, however, she would much rather wait until they knew for certain what they were dealing with. Astrid herself was having a hard time keeping a cool head. She wasn't sure if the same could apply to the Chief of Berk once he learned his son was poisoned.

Gothi scratched her chin as she eyed the flower, causing a huge knot to form in Astrid's gut as she watched. Yet, much to her relief, luck was on their side, and Gothi gave a slow nod.

"You know what it is?!" Astrid asking, trying desperately to keep her voice at a normal tone.

The old woman nodded as she started to write in the dirt with her staff.

"Huh," Gobber said curiously as he peered over. "Apparently, it's a plant that has a hard time growing on Berk, so she's only seen it twice in her life as a young boar-Ow! Sorry, girl! I meant, girl!"

Gothi smacked gobber.

Gothi gave him a glare as she threatened to hit Gobber again and wiped away the words with her foot before writing again.

"It's called Yak's Breath," Gobber read aloud.

"Yak's Breath?" Astrid repeated, skeptically.

Gothi gave a shrug as Gobber said "She didn't name the plant, she just knows it." He held up the flower. "Although, if you ask me, a better name for it would be Spotted Sven after my uncle who-"

Gothi swifty struck him with her staff and fiercely pointed to the ground where she wrote.

Drago: defeated by a old hag.

Hiccup sighs,grabs gothi staff and smacked drago and soon handed the staff back to gothi who smiled at him.

"Alright, alright," Gobber grumbled and went back to translating. "While the flowers of Yak's Breath aren't poisonous, it's thorns are and there's no cure if someone gets scratched by it."

"What?!" Astrid cried, her heart jumping into her throat.

Stoick pales as valka was worried but knew it was all fake and it would be ok.

"Hold on," Gobber cut in by raising his hand, "but the good news is that it's not fatal. It makes the victim have a high fever and feel like they're getting their insides twisted for a few days, but they won't die. It eventually wears off."

Everyone sighs inreleif.

Astrid gave a sigh of relief. Hiccup wasn't going to die. Good, that was good. With that worry off her mind, she then frowned in concerned. Regardless of it being deadly or not, it sounded like Hiccup was going to have a rough recovery. "So...there's nothing we can do for him?"

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