chapter 14 fanfic 8

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Issa: stoick your next!
Stoick just sighed amd grabbed the book and soon began to read.

Dragon Nip by DaydreamingOnPaper

Ever wondered what happens when a Viking eats dragon nip? The teens decide to test this, in the form of a little prank on none other than Hiccup. T for caution, nothing really mature honestly, R&R!

Stoick sighed.

The dragon academy was usually bursting to the seams with loud explosions and roaring, plus the occasional yelps or sounds of argument. However today there was only a soft whisper; Hiccup would be gone for the day to help out Gobber, and the others were using their time to plot a prank on the boy.

Fishlegs, of course, was not one hundred percent on board yet. "Are you sure this is safe? I mean, when Astrid 'experimented' with dragon nip-"

"-that was an accident!"

"-she got a little loopy, and quite violent...well, you know. More violent."

Astrid glared.

Snotlout smirked, and the twins snickered, remembering the time she'd eaten a small amount of the grass. It had, of course, been an accident, though the chubby boy was still convinced she did it intentionally. He was half right, in a way. The first time was the only one that had been unintentional.

"Exactly. So, we already know what it does to people. And we know that it won't hurt to slip all of this into his lunch." Snot held up a pouch of the nip, mischief evident in his eyes. "Even if he doesn't 'react' the same way, it'll be like an experiment!"

He had him now; Fish forgot any concern he had, instantly fantasizing the research aspect of the prank. "Maybe more will make him even loopier! Or he could have a completely different experience; though it would make the most sense that he responds like Astrid and the dragons, that seems to be what the root does-"

Now it was the shieldmaiden's turn to worry. "Wait a minute! I can barely remember what happened when I had just a bit of grass! All I remember is feeling super pumped and a little feisty, I guess. What if giving Hiccup too much messes with his brain with longer-lasting effects? We could hurt him!"

Tuffnut yawned, much to his twin's approval. "When did you become such a stick in the mud?"

Astrid then attacked tuffnut.

"Well, get used to it! If you ruin Hiccup, then I'll have to be the one to make sure you don't do anything stupid." By this point she was seething; if anything happened to her boyfriend, she'd go berserk. Fishlegs took account of her distressed state before reassuring her. He really, really wanted to be able to write what happens in the Book of Dragons!

"Astrid, if we don't supervise this prank, it'll end up happening anyway. Plus, even if we were to watch Hiccup like a hawk, we both know one of the twins would volunteer as a test dummy. Better to be in control here and maybe get a laugh out of it, rather than risk these two going overboard themselves, which we both know is what'd happen." A sigh of defeat showed the teens she was in. Snotlout, the mastermind behind the operation, rubbed his hands together and eyed his accomplices.

"Alright, then. Let's get started."

It was time to begin their scheme; first Astrid would distract the Haddock boy, then Snotlout would sneak up behind the two and place the dragon nip onto Hiccup's plate. The grass had been finely chopped, to resemble spices, and would blend right in with the food. Fishlegs had been recruited as a look out, distracting anyone at surrounding tables with mindless chatter if they seemed to be focused on what the Jorgensen boy was up to. Ruff and Tuff were to wait in the rafters, giving them a dragon's-eye view and allowing them the perfect location to create a diversion if all else failed.

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