chapter 3 fanfic 2

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Bold=snotlout reading.
Snotlout: ok so this next fanfiction is called.

A Collection of Short Stories: Hiccup Gets by McSlendy

Chapter 18: Murderous

Everyone looked a little nervous while hiccup was grinning.

Snotlout nervously chuckled as Hiccup's eyebrow twitched.

The destroyed cart that was still carrying all of his cousin's blueprints, journals and books continued to burn - thanks to his earlier shenanigans with Hookfang - as their unfortunate owner impassively stared at the charred, smoking wreckage bearing his belongings, all now ruined beyond recovery. Ashes and embers scattered in all directions when the winds picked up, and save for the cackling fires, they were the only sound the Jorgenson scion heard aside from his own breathing. It was as if the rest of the world had been shocked silent by what he had done.

Hiccup looked shocked as stoick moved away from hiccup.

Meanwhile, standing nearby but not too far away to witness what else could happen, were the rest of the riders and their dragons. The looks on their faces were a mixture of disbelief and fear, for if the murderous look in Hiccup's darkened emerald eyes was of any indication, they had every right to look like that; They had never seen him get real angry before, and if they had their way, they didn't want to see it happen now. But unfortunately, it was out of their control, all thanks in no small part to the black-haired Viking who was now trembling before his future chief.

Stoick: mph mph.

Issa sighed and removed the muzzles off of stoick and drago.

People have always said that it was the quiet ones they had to look out for, but really, it was actually the nice ones that everyone needed to be wary of.

"Hiccup? I'm really, really sorry." Snotlout apologized shakily as he tried not to mumble. "I didn't mean to burn all your stuff! Really! It was an accident!"

Suddenly, Hiccup brightened up with a smile, and without a word he stalked off to the direction of the forge. Nobody else moved from where they were.

Everyone was wondering why was hiccup smiling as hiccup knew what was going to happen.

They didn't dare to.

Hiccup returned after what felt like slow, agonizing years to the others, now riding on Toothless. On all four paws, the Night Fury looked intimidating with the glare the black dragon had adopted on his face, with his wings tucked in and his tail ominously swishing to and fro behind him. The other difference with the lanky brunet now to the lanky brunet from earlier was the fact he was armed with a crossbow this time, with a pouch full of bolts attached to his belt. However, while he was still wearing that same smile from before, he was now radiating an aura of wrath.

Snotlout gulped but continued reading.

Anyone who happened to feel it got the urge to run like Hel, something that the rest of the gang did without a word.

All except for Snotlout, the dread in the pit of his stomach freezing him on the spot.

"Oh Snotlout~" Hiccup called out to him sweetly, before aiming his crossbow. "Start running!"

Drago: i swear your son is a devil.

Valka stood up and punched drago.

(Shes wearing her mask).

His screaming cousin didn't need to be told twice when a bolt impaled his butt.

Everyone laughed making snotlout blushed.
Author: hey guys so i hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you guys in the next chapter bye!

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