chapter 7 fanfic 3 ch 4

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Bold=tuffnut reading.
Everyone looked a little worried about the next chapter as drago was still laughing his a## off but soon calmed down.

Chapter 4

The rest of the night and following morning passed by without incident, and thus came Tuffnut's turn for 'Hiccup Watch'...and he had never been so utterly bored. He had been hoping Hiccup would wake up as Captain Vali again, or maybe even believe he was a three headed yak or something. Nope! Hiccup slept like a baby, and Tuffnut was forced to count the wood knots in Hiccup's hut for amusement.

However, the novelty wore off after the tenth round of counting and it took of of Tuffnut's willpower to not yank his hair out of boredom. He sighed and casually glanced to the sleeping Hiccup.

"Couldn't you just randomly scream in your sleep or something?" he muttered.

Hiccup smacked tuffnut on the head.

Toothless raised his head and shot a glare in Tuffnut's direction.

"What? I was just asking," he replied. "Be more entertaining than seeing how many snores Hiccup can do in an hour."

Toothless rolled his eyes before snorting and resting his head back down. Tuffnut scoffed as he gave a pout and leaned back in the chair. It was sssooo boring! He needed to do SOMETHING to liven things up.

Then a thought struck him. He did have that bottle of medicine he and Ruffnut put together in his pocket. He was going to save it for later when Ruffnut came to take over, but there was no reason he couldn't try it now. It was for science!

Everyone gulped.

Tuffnut chuckled as he glanced around to make certain Astrid nor Fishlegs were around to stop him before yanking out the bottle. This stuff was supposed to cure itchy scalps, and with how mess up Hiccup was in his head right now, it seemed a logical cure to try out on him in his current state. It made perfect sense!

He chuckled as he knelt forward and brought the bottle to Hiccup's lips to drink. Toothless raised his head, and growled softly.

"Relax, Toothless," Tuffnut instructed as he poured the medicine down Hiccup's throat. "It can't make it any worse."

Toothless gave a doubtful snort, but remained where he was. Tuffnut finished pouring the last bit of the liquid, and stepped back to wait for the results. For a moment, nothing happened. Tuffnut gave a pout of disappointment, until Hiccup's eyes suddenly sprang open.

"Ha! See!" Tuffnut whirled around to Toothless as Hiccup bolted upward. "Told you there was nothing-"

He was cut off as Hiccup kneel forward and vomited on Tuffnut's boots. He was frozen with disgust and watched helplessly as Hiccup finished, his eyes rolled back and he plopped back onto the bed. Tuffnut blinked as he lifted his boot and wince at the green vomit. What had Hiccup eaten that was green?

Hiccup: it can get worse.

Tuffnut: you threw up on my f###ing shoes!

"Yuck!" he screamed in disgust. "Okay, apparently it can make it worse."

Toothless rolled his eyes in a I told you so manner.

"Tuffnut?" Fishlegs asked as he walked in and sniffed the air. "What smells so bad-"

He froze as he spotted the mess on the floor. Fishlegs's eyes narrowed and he immediately look to Tuffnut. "What did you do?"

At the same moment, the chicken wandered inside and flapped her wings with questioning look as she stared at the mess.

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