chapter 6 fanfic 3 ch 3

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Bold=drago reading.
Issa: ok now who is going to read next.
Drago then put his hand up.
Drago: ill read next.
Everyone was staring at drago as he soon begins to read.

Chapter 3

The next few hours were thankfully quiet. Fishlegs wasn't sure if his nerves could handle another fight with 'Captain Vali'. He just hoped when Hiccup awoke he didn't decide to take up where they had left the fight. Fishlegs's arms were still sore from having to hold him down.

Hiccup: sorry.

Fishlegs: its ok hiccup.

Meatlug gave a growl indicating it was her rider's turn.

"Oh, sorry, Girl," Fishlegs said as he looked over the playing board. "Lost in we go." He moved one of his tiny carved wooden vikings two squares ahead. "There we go, let's see you beat that, Girl."

Meatlug's eyes narrowed as she looked over the game board. She gave a thoughtful nod as she shoved one of her carved wooden dragons to the left with her nose. It collided with one of Fishleg's vikings and knocked it over, causing the Gronkle to give a delightful growl.

"Huh, so three points for you," Fishlegs muttered as he wrote it down. "You're really becoming a master at this game."

Meatlug: yes!

Fishlegs smiled.

Meatlug smugly wagged her tail. Fishlegs chuckled and folded his arms. "And Snotlout said my 'Dungeons and Dragons' game was stupid." He glanced over to Toothless who was still sitting in the same spot he had been all afternoon.

The Night Fury lay near Hiccup's bed, with his head resting on his front paws. He gave a worried growl as his gaze refused to leave Hiccup.

Fishlegs couldn't blame Toothless. Gods know he would be feeling the exact same way in his or was it dragon claws? He wasn't sure what the correct analogy was here.

Drago: none of us do actually.

Hiccup: agree.

"Hey, Toothless, want to join Meatlug and I in an exciting round of 'Dungeons and Dragons'?" Fishlegs asked as he held up an extra dragon piece to tempt him. "We could always use a third player."

Toothless growl and covered his face with his tail.

Fishlegs sighed in response. "Thought you would say that," he said as he set his piece down. "Can't blame me for trying-"

A moan came from the bed. Fishlegs sprung to his feet as Hiccup sat up grasping his head. Toothless sat up at full alert, staring at his rider with an anxious frown. Fishlegs didn't dare move as Hiccup glanced to the Night Fury and blinked in confusion.

"Fishlegs," he asked, "what's going on?"

Well, he's sounding more reasonable, Fishlegs thought. "You're sick," he explained calmly and picked up some of the soup he had made earlier. "Why don't you try eating?"

Hiccup looked at him, and then scowled. "Bah! I don't have time to eat! I got a village to run!"

Everyone was confused.

Fishlegs blinked. "A village?"

Hiccup rose, not minding how shaky his legs were as he did so. "Where's Gobber?! He's supposed to have sharpened my axe by now!"

"Your axe?" Fishlegs asked as Toothless sniffed Hiccup's feet.

"Of course!" Hiccup continued as he placed his hands on his hips. "What kind of chief am I without my axe?!"

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