chapter 20 fanfic 10 part 1

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Bold=fishlegs reading(i kinda forgot him sorry).
Fishlegs: um issa can i read next?
Issa: oh sure!
Then issa handed legs(Nickname)the book and he soon began reading.

getting to know Hiccup by Lauralkelley99

Chapter one: Honesty

Hiccup and the gang were sitting on an abandon catapult, with their dragons, eating lunch.

¨And that's not even the best part!¨ Snotlout yelled ¨The best… uh, Hiccup, are you listening?¨
Hiccup had been spacing out, probably not paying any attention.

¨Not really.¨ Hiccup said. ¨I only heard half.¨
¨Wow, that was...¨ Fishlegs started.

¨Honest?¨ Astrid finished for him.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

¨Hey, when have I ever lied, other than to protect someone?¨ Hiccup asked.

The the teens thought about it, and they didn't remember any time Hiccup had lied to them, the last time that Hiccup lied to them was to protect Toothless.

Hiccup: and im also a terrible liar.

Valka: blame your father.

Stoick sticked his tongue out.

¨Only time I can recall is when you were going to see Toothless, before the Human dragon war ended.¨ Astrid said.

The teens nodded, Hiccup wasn't necessary a liar, well, he was futer chefe, so maybe he was trained to be honest, but they didn't necessarily see Stoick spend time with Hiccup, so maybe, he was by nature honest?

Hiccup: no terrible liar.

Author: hey guys so i hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you guys in the next chapter bye!

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