Chapter one

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Hello, and welcome to my beautiful new creation!! I hope you enjoy, sorry about any typos in advance, and please tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's P.O.V:

"Yes, but how does that make you feel?"

I hate that line so much it hurts. I have to hear it four times a week, each session for a whole hour. My therapist isn't even hot! She's just an annoying old lady who lives to get in my business. It sucks.

"It makes me feel..." What should I say this time? "...okay."

That was probably the wrong thing to say. Shi-

"Winter, you know I only like clear answers. You can be honest with me." She's said this for as long as I can remember. I remember telling the truth once. It was only once, and I regretted it. She went and told the foster care center, they put me in the suicidal watch room, and I wasn't able to get a home.

"It makes me feel fine. At peace." I correct myself. She nods, seeming to accept my answer.

"Well Winter, our time here is up. I'll see you soon!" She says standing up to escort me out if the room. I stand as well, knowing I couldn't wait to get out of this screwed up place.

"Oh, and Winter? I don't know if anyone told you, but you'll be joining group therapy soon. I'm retiring, and they think that having people around you will make you feel a bit better about the change. The people there are very nice and hold tons of social events. This is a great way for teenagers to find homes, Winter. Please be open minded." I sigh and nod. It's not like I have a choice anyway. She smiles and gives me a quick hug before letting me leave.

I walk outside to see Bella sitting in the car, waiting for me. She waves me over and I get in the car.

Bella is my agent and the closest thing I have to a mom. She's tried her best to get me in a home, but I'm hopeless. Her daughter, Angel, is my best friend, like, ever, and sometimes I really wish we were family.

"Why didn't you tell me about the group therapy?" I ask Bella as she starts the car.

"I didn't want to worry you. You already have the pressure of the open house tonight on you." She says as she drives away from hell.

"Oh no! I totally forgot about the open house!" I say putting my face in my hands.

"You'll be FINE Winter. I'm sure all the girls will help you pick your outfit and everything. If you want, I'll even take my girls over there." She said smiling at me. She told me she was going to text me everything I needed to know, and she dropped me off at the center.

Bella did have than one kid, but Angel was the only one who really hung out with me. She actually has three. Lizzie, Angel, and...Naida. Lizzie was adorable and very energetic. She's fourteen, and likes to hang out with the little kids at the foster center. Angel was just like me, except she's beautiful, and everyone knows it. Naida though....I've been in love with her since the third grade. She knows me well, but we don't talk much unless she's either: a) standing up for me or b) making fun of me.

I'm hoping to impress her with whatever I decide to wear to the open house, which Bella told me she would be at.

The open house is a big event for the center. It's why so many people get adopted. We have to dress really nice and pretend to be polite. It's hard for us teenagers who know we're not going to be adopted. No one wants a teenager.

Anyways, I walk to the girls quarter and into my shared room. I share my room with Jodie, Allie, Kaylee, Madison, Natalie, Sarah, Gabby, Bea, Katherine, Bailey, Lynn, Leah, Ele and Eva. It's a big room.

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