Chapter nine

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Hello! Welcome back the the story, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry for any typos in advance, and please tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's POV

Yesterday was wonderful. Nix and I hung out all day, laughing and joking while we watched stupid television.

He's really funny.

Maybe his face is.

Come on, you love his face.

Love? No.

I shake the thoughts from my head. I think I'm going crazy.

What is wrong with me?

I plop on my bed and sigh. I hear the door creak open and I glance up to see Bea.

"You okay?" She says, her eyebrows creased with worry.

"I think I'm crazy." I mumble, closing my eyes and burying my face in my pillow.

"Aren't we all?"

I look up at her. "You sound like an old 80s show."

"Thank you. I get that a lot." She sits on my bed and strokes my hair. "Are you okay? I know about the Naida and Nikki thing..."

"I'm fine. I actually hung out with someone new today."

Bea looks taken aback. "Wow. Is Winter a player?"

I roll my eyes. "Hardly."

"Who was it?"

"Some new guy. I met his brother once or twice. He set it up."

She raises her eyebrows. "Do I get any names?"

"His name is Nix. His brother is Alex." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Don't get any ideas. Alex is 14."

Bea chokes. "What the-"

"Hey girls!" Ele shouts, walking into the house and sitting beside me.

"Ele, how old are you and the other little ones?" Bea asks, looking at me with a look in her eyes. I smirk.

"We aren't that little! But I'm 13, Summer is 6, Gabby is 10, Katherine and Lynn are 14, Kaylee is 13, and Kiera is 12."

"What about Abbie?" I say, remembering Jessie's younger sister.

"She isn't counted as a younger."

I pull her small face from my memory. "Why not?"

"She... She acts older."


"But I think she's about 14. Why do you want to know anyway?"


"No reason!" Bea rushes out, cutting me off.


"We need to go! Right, Winter?" Bea looks at me.


Bea takes my hand and ushers me out the door. She shuts the door and turns to me. "Where is your little Alex friend?"

"I see I'm the center of attention in all your conversations." I look towards the voice and see Alex leaning against the wall. "I just came to ask how it went yesterday, considering Nix wouldn't say a word."

"We want to set you up with one of our friends!" Bea blurts.


"What? I don't like beating around the bush."

Alex looks at us, amused.

I roll my eyes and look at Alex. "Some of our friends are your age. We were just wondering..."

"I'll think about it. Anyways, how did it go yesterday?" Alex says, glancing at Bea before asking.

"If Nix won't tell you, I'm keeping my mouth shut." I grin as he sighs.

"Come on, Winter! I'm dying to know!"

"Just....tell your brother that I like Loony Toons better than Tom and Jerry." I laugh.

Alex gives me a confused look. "Wha-"

"We have to go!" Bea interrupts.

She grabs my hand and drags me out of the building. As I look at her, I see that she has many parts to her personality. She's not usually like this.

"Where do you think Lynn is?" Bea asks and I shrug. "This is going to be a long day.

After... everything I am very tired. We ran around all day, looking for the girls, which we eventually found in Chick-fil-A.

We asked if they were open to dating, and not all the replies were positive. Abby wasn't there and Summer, Keira and Gabby are too young for him. Lynn said she doesn't really like labels, Kaylee said she doesn't date, but Katherine said she needs someone new. We're going to ask Ele when we see her again, but I think Katherine may be his best shot.

I sit down on my bed and fall back on the pillows. I close my eyes and think back to yesterday.

"Maybe I can get your number?" Nix had said, a cocky look in his eyes.

"I don't think so." I had said, trying to tease him.

"I'll get it somehow."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"I have connections."

I laugh to myself. That boy doesn't have any-

Suddenly, my phone rings, cutting my thoughts off.

I look down at my phone, confused. One beat. Two beats.

Answer the damn phone!

I answer the phone and hold it to my ear. "Hello?"

There's static on the other line before it cuts off and I hear a familiar voice.

"Hi there baby." The teasing sound instantly brought a smile to my face.

"What do you want, Nix?"

"Come on! Your not even a little curious how I got your number?" He chuckles.

"Fine. How did you get my number, Nix?"

"Ask your friend."

"Why tell me to ask if your not even gonna tell?"

"That sentence confuses the shit out of me."

I laugh.

"I ran into her in the hallway. Her name was... Hold on, I know this." I laugh as there is a long pause on his end.

"Nikki! That was it!"

My heart sinks and I gulp. "What?"

"She said you deserve someone good."

My breathing quickens. I look around the room. "Ele! Do you know where Nikki is?" Is anyone knows, it'll be Ele.

"No idea. Haven't seen her since yesterday." Ele gives me an apologetic look before leaving the room.

"She gave me your number yesterday. When I was leaving. Is something wrong?" He asks.

I look down and tighten my hand around the phone. "That's what I'm trying to figure out, Nix."

"I'm sorry to ask, considering the circumstances, but... Does she mean something to you?"

I think it over. Does she?

"No, Nix. She doesn't mean anything to me."

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