This Is Goodbye

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Hi everyone! I just finished To Be Broken! I know, it isn't as long as everyone thought, but I thought it was time. There was many alternate endings... One where Winter ends up with Naida, one where she ends up with Angel... One where she ends up dead. I did think about it! But this was the most satisfying. I might write some bonus chapters, I might not, but I did want to say this.

No one is truly broken. Some people have problems, as you can see in this story, but some people just need a friend. If you feel like you're broken, find that friend! And if you see someone all upset in a corner, be that friend! There is so much going on in the world right now, and everyone is being pushed to their limits. Just make sure you don't give up, because there is always a rainbow on the other end.

I also wanted to say thank you for all of the support! I know there were times that I took literally forever to update, but thank you for your patience!

I don't think I'll make a sequel, just because there's nothing to bounce off of, but, just know, that it was a happily ever after indeed! I mean, of course it was, Naida and Alex were in the same room! That's miracles waiting to happen!

As always, I'm sorry for any typos in advance, and please tell me what you think! Share the love!

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