Chapter seven

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Hello everyone!! I'm sorry it took me a while, writer's block. 😥 Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm sorry for any typos in advance, and please tell me what you think!! Share the love!

Winter's POV:

That night, I slept in Nikki's bed, needing the comfort. I kept waking up, my mind refusing to shut off.

As I woke for the millionth time, I just laid there, not wanting to go back to sleep. I could feel Nikki's arm around me and I carefully rolled over to face her.

When I saw her eyes twitching and the corners of her mouth pulling, I knew she was having a hard time sleeping also. And a hard time pretending to be asleep.

Deciding to mess with her, I slowly leaned forward and put a light kiss on her nose. With that gesture, her eyes shot open and she gave me a huge smile. I smiled back and quietly got out of the bed. She sat up and looked around at all of the sleeping kids. Well everyone except Madison and Jodie, who are probably at work. I look at her, and her eyes land on me. I smile and look down.

She walks over to me and I look as she starts to talk. "Do you want to do something?"

I look at her sceptically. "Like what?"

"I don't know. Live a little." She says, and I sigh.


"No buts. Just trust me." She cuts me off.

Trust me.

I think about it before I go and change into a pair of ripped jeans and a light pink shirt. When I walked out of the bathroom and back into the room, she was sitting on her bed in a pink sundress.

I go up behind her and lean my head beside her, whispering in her ear. "Look, we match."

She shivers and stands up. I straighten out and we walk out the door, sneaking away.

We walk into the parking lot and I lean against a street light. I close my eyes and look up, thinking about N-


I shake my head slightly and squeeze my eyes tighter. I feel Nikki beside me, her warmth radiating off of her.

I open my eyes to glance at her, just to see her staring at me intently. I close my eyes again. "Take a picture. It'll last longer."

She let out a little squeak and I opened my eyes to see her eyes wide and her cheeks red. I laughed lightly and she looked down grinning.

I leaned back against the light again, only to be startled by a loud car honk. I look around and find Naida's car. Sitting in a parking space. My eyes widened as I looked through the windshield, seeing Naida behind the wheel, with someone on her lap.

Familiar eyes stared back at me as I felt tears prick my eyes. Eva, who I didn't even know was missing, looked at me in complete shock.

"Winter? What is it- oh." I heard Nikki say, looking past me to the car. She grabbed my hand, giving it a slight squeeze.

I was still looking at Naida, and I watched as her eyes flickered down to our hands before she pulled Eva back to her. My heart broke as Naida kissed her.

I shut my eyes, and when I opened them, Nikki was standing in front of me. "Let's get out of here."

I nodded and we walked out of the parking lot, toward an empty street.

We walked in silence until we were far enough. I then looked over at her, before walking to a nearby tree.

She followed me, and I sank down, sitting in front of the tree. I sighed and Nikki sat down beside me, looking over at me with a look of concern.

"Can we just not talk about it? Just forget it?" I asked softly.

She nodded quickly. "Of course."

"Can you tell me what it was like before you came here?" I murmured.

She sighed. "My mom was crazy. Schizofranic. She thought my dad was evil and killed him. She pulled a knife on me, my sister called the police, and they took her away, bringing me here."

"You have a sister?" I asked and her eyes lit up.

"Yeah, she's awesome. My best friend. I hang out with all her friends, she beat up my first boyfriend, and my first girlfriend, she was the first one I came out to, she always kept me safe..." She paused. "Will I ever see her again?" She whispers.

I didn't know what to say. "I wouldn't know. I don't have any family to see."

She smiled sadly at me. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." I say looking down, not wanting to talk about it.

"It's not your's either." She says and I looked back at her, searching her eyes.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

I shut my eyes, cutting out my thoughts. Suddenly Nikki stood up, holding a hand out for me. I took it hesitantly as she pulled me to my feet.

I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged. "You need your mind off things, and I have the perfect solution."

"And what is that?"

"You, need a drink." She says, walking in a direction. I followed, not knowing what else to do.

Right now, getting drunk as hell didn't sound too bad.

We walked for about twenty minutes before stopping in front of a club. She looked back at me, before walking up to it confidently. As we were let in, I took a big whiff of the air and nearly gagged. I stopped myself.

Nikki led me towards the bar and sat on a stool, patting the seat next to her. I sat and the bartender looked at us. He narrowed his eyes and I gulped, but he didn't notice. He smiled widely before leaning closer to me. "What can I get for you?"

Nikki cleared her throat, answering for me. "Ten shots of vodka. The strongest you have."

He laid them in front of us and Nikki passed me five. She picked up one and held up three fingers, silently counting down. She got to one and I took a deep breath before tipping the glass, letting the burning liquid trickle down my throat. I then took another. And another, and another, and another, until I had to order a refill from the bartender. He grinned and I looked over at Nikki as she pushed her other four shots towards me, smirking.

I gladly took it, downing everything out in front of me. My head started to spin as the alcohol hit my system, and is tarted to giggle, my eyes crossing as I stood up. I stumbled and held on to the bar counter, trying to hold myself up. I looked back at Nikki, seeing her flirt with some guy.

The sober me would have cared, but I am definitely not sober right now. Instead, I yelled at her, telling her to "go get it."

I stumbled onto the dance floor full of sweaty people and started to sway to the music. As I got the hang of it, my body started to try sexier moves, feeling the hole room's eyes on me.

I kept going.

I'm going to forget everyone tonight.

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