Chapter eight

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Helloooooo! Welcome back to the story! I'm sorry I took forever, and for any typos in advance. Hope you enjoy! Please tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's POV:

I don't think I have any control over my mind right now. I can feel the buzz in me head, running down to my fingertips and my toes. I know this feeling, this isn't my first time being drunk, but it's definitely been a while.

I was dancing recklessly with some random guy when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whipped my head around, drink in hand, expecting to see some pedo, but instead I stare, surprised at who I'm seeing.

I have no idea how he got in here, but somehow Alex, the brick wall I had ran into a few day ago, was standing in front of me.

"How in the hell did you get here?" I slurred. The buzz felt great, but it made my speech a little bad.

"Geez, your drunk, aren't you? You need to get home, Winter." He said stepping a little closer so I can hear him.

"Your fourteen. There's no way someone let you in."

"I can pass as a little older. You need to leave before you do something stupid." He is a little tall, but he does not look of age.

"Why are you here?"

"Ugh! Does it matter?" He says, looking around impatiently.

"It does when some kid sneaks into a club!"

"Must I remind you that you're a kid also? I'm just trying to protect you."

"Why? You barely know me! Who sent you here? Who's ass should I be on?" I clench the drink in my hand tighter.

"I don't know, ask your girlfriend."

Girlfriend. Who could he be talking about? I look over where Nikki was and see her gone.

"What do you mean?"

"Her name started with an 'N'. Natalie? Nancy....?" He trails off an my eyes widen to the size of baseballs.

"Naida?" I choke out. It pains me to say her name and it pains me that she even cares.

Why would she break up with me if she still cared.

"No.... that doesn't sound right."

The words hurt more than the ones before I felt suffocated all of the sudden. My drink falls out of my hand and spills onto the floor.

I felt tears fall out of my eyes and Alex pulled me towards him. I bury my face in his chest and let it all out.

I'm tired of all of this.

Since I sobered up a bit, I also realized that Nikki must have left with someone.

Great. She was using me as well.

Why does no one actually care? Maybe it's just me. Or maybe...

Maybe it's because they're girls. Maybe I need to go for a guy.

The real question is: who?

Not Alex, he's too young. That's basically the only guy I've even hung out with lately.

"I have an idea, but don't hate me." Alex says, pulling away a bit.

I raise my eyebrows. "What?"

"I have an older brother. He can be a pain, but he's going through stuff right now too, and I think y'all could really help each other."

I look at him suspiciously. "Okay...?"

"Okay. I'm going to take you home, I'll be by your dorm at three tomorrow."


I got home and crashed into my bed. I knew I had woken a few people up when I came barreling in here, but I don't care, because my head is pounding and my legs are still wobbly.

After that, I slept until about noon before getting up. I got ready for the day, brushed my teeth, ante breakfast, and turned in the TV.

It was talking about something stupid when I heard a knock on the door.

That must be Alex.

All the other girls were gone, considering it was a Saturday.

I open the door and do a double take.

Instead of Alex, I see a very hot guy standing in front of me. He's super tall with broad shoulders, blonde hair that was lighter than Alex's, and vibrant green eyes. His face held no emotion, except the slight amusement and confident in his eyes.

"And you are.....?" I ask, looking him up and down.

"Nix." He steps closer. "Alex's brother." Another step. "May I come in?"

I gulp and walk several steps back. " Of course."

He walks in and stops about three feet in front of me. I look at him, and my gaze gets stick on his eyes. He hold me captive as he searches every inch of me, coming back to my eyes to rest.

"Where's Alex?" I say awkwardly.

He only chuckles. "In our dorm. We share. He sent me here, to leave us alone I guess." He licks his lips and I start to laugh.

Like, hysterical hyena on crack laughs.

"Um, are you okay? You sound high." He asks.

"The only thing high right now is your ego."

He laughs at this, and I find the sound mesmerizing. "Your funny. I like that."

"That's a first." I mumble before looking at him with a smile.

"Alex was right about you."

"Right about what?" I ask paranoid. Did he make me look baf already? I do that perfectly fine on my own!

"You'll find out later."

I look at him questioningly for a moment before I forget what I'm thinking about. "Have a seat." I gesture towards the communal coach and he sits. I reach for the remote to the TV, but he snatches it before I can get it.

"What are you doing?" I narrow my eyes.

"Chill sweetheart. You see." He says once again.

"You should know, I hate surprises. They drive me nuts." I say honestly.

He chuckled. "I'd love to drive you to some nuts."

My eyes went wide and I slapped the back of his head. He continued to laugh, his dark, low, sexy voice drawing me to him. I watched as he turned the TV to Tom and Jerry and I laughed. He did too, and I looked in his eyes, getting caught in them again.

I have no idea what is going on right now. We just met!

It felt like he was a guitar player, and knew just which strings to pull at.

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