Chapter seventeen

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Hello again! Thank you all for reading, and all of your support! Sorry for any typos in advance, and please tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's POV:

Nix did show up at my room twenty minutes later, but he couldn't stay long because the girls wanted him out.

I didn't complain, I needed time to think about everything that happened today.

Me and Naida are done.

I always thought that would make me sad, but everything that dragged me away from Naida also put me on the yellow brick road to Nix.

And I should be upset about his ex girlfriend, but I couldn't care less, because now me and him are officially together.

So if she does try to get him back, I have every right to interfere.

I went to sleep content that night.

And then I woke up to some asshole pounding on the door.

Who does that?

"Winter, get up! There's someone here to see you!" I heard Ele yell.

I rolled my eyes and crawled out of bed.

Part of me was saying 'Winter, honey, you look terrible. Go clean yourself up.'

But the other part of me was like 'screw whoever the hell wakes people up this-'

I froze, seeing who's in front of the door.

Oh. It's Nix. After a few seconds, I realized that I had bed head and morning breath, and I ran to the bathroom. I heard Nix calling after me, but I knew how rough I slept.

Sure enough, I saw a troll in the bathroom mirror. I quickly brushed through my hair, brushed my teeth, and put on ripped jeans and a crop top.

I walked out of the bathroom and Nix was leaning on my bed. "Hey Babe." He said.

My heart did a backflip and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Hey Nix."

"I was wondering if we could go out today?" He asked.

I blushed again, feeling about twenty-four eyes on me. "Yeah." I nodded.

He smiled and opened the door. He stood there with the door open and I raised my eyebrows. "What are you- Oh!" He was holding it open for me, I realized. I quickly walked through the door, blushing again.

That was awkward.

We went out to eat, and then he took me to a park, and we ran around, looking like crackheads.

After a few hours of goofing off, Nix had to go to work, so he dropped me back at my room.

I sat on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking of how happy he looked.

I can make him that happy.

That thought made me happy.

There was a knock on the door and I snapped out of my daze. All the other girls ignored it, so I answered the door, and there stood Naida, tears and mascara running down her face. I quickly stepped out and closed the door.

"Oh my God! Naida, are you okay?" I asked, pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back and cried.

"We broke up..." Naida mumbled against my hair.

I hugged her tighter. "I'm so sorry."

Naida kept crying, and I hugged her, letting her ruin my shirt. Then I had an idea. I pulled away and looked up at her. "We need a girl's night. I'll go get a few friends and call your sister." Naida started to protest but I shook my head. "You'll thank me later. Go clean up, I'll be back." I walk back into my room and get Jessie, who was looking grumpy, Bea, who looked pretty sad, and Ele, because I know she can cheer everyone up. Jessie also chose to bring Abbie, and I didn't object.

I walked out of my room and Naida was leaning against the wall, all cleaned up. I texted Angel and told her to meet us at the park, and she replied a few minutes later saying okay.

We left and walked to the park, Naida catching us up on the way. She had started dating this girl, and Naida grew very fond of her, but then Naida went to her house and saw her with Radley, who Naida had problems with in the past. Naida screamed at her and told her they were done, and then she came to me.

We showed up at the park and sat down at a picnic table. We started to tell old dating stories, and Ele started to cheer us up, telling us the bright side, when suddenly I saw a familiar blonde head.

At first I thought it was Nix, and my blood boiled, but then I saw it was Alex, and I blew up.

"Alex!" I yelled, jumping up. He was smoking with a bunch of druggies, and I have no idea why. "What the hell are you doing!?" I say when I'm in front of him.

He raised his eyebrows and chuckles. "What does it look like?" He slurred. I glanced down and saw a bunch of empty bottles.

"Alex, get your ass up before I call your brother." I say. I glanced back at the girls and saw that Jessie, Naida and Angel were behind me. Ele and Abbie were with Bea, still at the table, but they were watching.

"You can't tell me what to do! And neither can Nix! He's not my dad, I don't have a dad anymore!" He shouts and stands up, only to wobble and sit right back down.

"Alex, you have one more chance. I will kick your ass." The boys around him took one look at me before stumbling away.

Alex glared at me and takes another puff of his cigarette. I turn to Angel, give her my phone, and tell her to call Nix. Then I glare back at Alex before snatching it from him, punching him in the jaw. He gasps before swinging at me. I duck and Naida, Angel and Jessie back away as he falls down, unbalanced and intoxicated.

Angel hangs up the phone and we look down at Alex, now unconscious on the ground.

I sigh and wait for Nix. This was supposed to be a girl's night.

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