Chapter twenty-one

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Hello again! Sorry I took a while, and for any typos in advance. I hope you enjoy, and tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's POV:

I sat on my bed, staring at the blank wall. Bea tried to talk to me. That didn't work. Ele tried. Same thing. They threatened to call Nix, then Naida, then Angel, but I just sat here. Staring at the wall. Roxy's words echoed in my mind, not letting me ignore how I feel.

She was right. It's my fault they're dead. They died unhappy. They didn't want me. They never wanted me...

"Winter, what the hell is going on!? I just got a call, and you are scaring me!" I looked up to see the one person I didn't expect.

Bella, the closest thing I have to a mom, looked me up and down.

"What is it baby?" She asked.

I broke down. I cried and she hugged me to her.

"I know, I know, shhhh." She cooed, stroking my hair to calm me down.

"It was my fault." I hiccupped.

She shook her head. "Those people were awful, Winter. They hated you for no reason. And they didn't get into an accident because they didn't want you, they got into an accident because they were drink, and higher than a damn balloon." She said and I looked at her.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded.

"But that isn't all that's wrong, is it? You've been here for a while, there's got to be something else bothering you." Bella said.

I told her the whole story. I told her about Naida, I told her about Nikki, I told her about Naida dumping me because of Nikki, and Nikki trying to kill herself, but ended up just going plain crazy. I told her about Alex, and then about Nix. I told her a lot about Nix. Then I told her about Roxy.

"She said I wasn't strong enough." I told her.

"Winter, you are the strongest girl I know. You dealt with your families death, then a hard breakup, then another hard breakup, and all the while, you're an orphan, skipping therapy to be there for the ones you love." Bella said, tears in her eyes. "And you're growing up fast. In less than a year, you'll be out of here. And I may not be your agent, but I will always be your friend."

I smiled at her. "Thank you, Bella, that means the world to me."

"No problem. Now go get your man back before I call my dau- Too late." She said and I looked where she was looking. Naida, Angel, and even Lizzie, stood there, smiling.

"Hey Winter." Angel said and I smiled, running to hug all of them.

Then the door opened and closed, and Alex walked in, looking around at all of us. "Was I not invited to this party?"

I smiled and hugged him too. I noticed him looking at Lizzie and I smiled. Lizzie was blushing and so was Alex.

"Um, Bella, Naida, Angel? Can I talk to you three?" I said and they all looked at me weird, but let me drag them out of the room.

"What is it, Winter? I thought all you needed was a hug." Naida teased.

I shushed her and leaned against the door, trying to hear them.

"What the hell are you-?" Naida tries.


"Is this about that Alex kid and my sister? Because if your suggesting-" I cut her off again.


"Aw, that'd be sooo cute!" Angel says and I smiled at her. Bella smiled as well and we all looked at Naida.

"Oh, alright, bit if he hurts her-"

"Shhhh!" We all say.

I laugh, and they join along. Then I go back to leaning against the door, that is, until I hear a throat being cleared.

I turn around, and, standing behind Naida and Angel, was my handsome boyfriend that I ran out on.

"Nix?" I say, confused as to why in the hell he was here.

"Winter, can we talk?" He asked and I swallowed hard, nodding.

He led me outside to the parking lot and then sighed.

"I got Roxy to tell me everything. You are a very strong person, Winter. And I know you will be there for me, but, for the record, I'd be the strong shoulder." He laughed.

"So what about Roxy?" I asked and his laughter died.

"I kicked her out. She's in her way home right now." He said and my heart fluttered.

Just for me?

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I got you something, after I kicked her out." He said.

"Ookay..." I say confused.

He pulled something out of his pocket and got into one knee. "Winter, I know we aren't old enough to marry, which is why I got you this." He says, opening the box for me to see a beautiful infinity ring.

"Nix... It's beautiful." I say in awe.

He got off his knee and slipped it on my finger.

"I want you to be mine. Forever. No matter the messy last, no matter the crazy exes. I want you."

I smiled and got on my tip toes to kiss him.

He kissed me back immediately, and I pulled away. "And I want you. Messy past, crazy exes, and weird little brother, be damned."

And, like very cheesey, cliche romantic story, it ended with a kiss.

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