Chapter eighteen

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Hello again! I hope you enjoy! I apologise for any typos in advance, and please tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's POV:

"He should be here any minute." I told Angel and Jessie. Naida had dragged Alex away and put him in a sitting position, and Bea is distracting Ele and Abbie, pushing them on the swings.

"So much for a girl's night, huh?" Angel said, nodding in the direction of Alex.

"I'm so sorry. I know how much we all needed this." I said, glancing at my phone.

"Don't worry about it, Winter. We had plenty of fun. Plus, do you know how exciting it was, watching you fight him? He's like twice your size!" Jessie laughed.

"I don't k ow what I would've done if he hit me." I laughed with her.

"Better question, what would Nix have done if he hit you?" Angel laughed and my eyes went wide.

"That would be the last of Alex Flowers." I said in a serious voice, holding back a smile.

Naida came over, joining in on our laughter. Then Abbie came over, hugging Jessie's waist. They were so adorable together. Bea joined us soon after, realizing that Abbie was over here, and soon we were back to having a girl's night.

We heard a car and looked over, and Nix stepped out, slamming the door shut.

He stormed over here and stopped in front of me. His eyes softened and he searched me for any injuries. "Nix? Nix, what are you d-"

He bent down and kissed me gently, his hands on my arms. It was our first kiss, and I couldn't believe how he made me feel. "I'm so glad you're okay." He mumbled, glancing at my friend's before straighting himself. He cleared his throat and pointed to Alex before walking away.

Jessie and Naida wiggled their eyebrows while Angel and Bea smiled at me. Abbie was staring, trying to figure something out, and Ele jumped up and down, clapping her hands.

I blushed and looked over at Angel. "What did you tell him?" I grinned.

She smiles back. "That Alex through a punch at you." My eyes widened and she laughed. "Chill out, I said he missed."

I looked at Nix, who was carrying Alex over his shoulder. "Come with me?" Nix asks.

I gulp. "You mean, like, back to your room?"

The girls laugh and walk away, Naida sending me a wink over her shoulder.

"Yes, baby, like back to my room. With me." I gulp again and he chuckles. "And Alex."

I laugh. That ruined the vibe. "Do you have anyone else in the room?" I ask, and he nods. "Yeah, a few other guys, but they're all out for the night. Baseball and strippers."

I raise my eyebrows. "But not you?"

He rolled his eyes and laughed. "Not me." Then he walked towards his car, Alex on his shoulder, and I walked with him.

He threw Alex in the back seat and I got into the passengers side. Nix got in the car as well and started the car. Then he looked over at me. "Are you sure your okay?"

I nodded and out a hand on his cheek. "I'm fine, Nix."

He looked at my hands and I tried to snatch them away but he caught them. He held up my cut knuckles, and I knew they were going to bruise. Then he brought them to his lips and kissed them softly. I shivered and he smirked. "Don't lie to me, baby."

I laughed and snatched my hands away, successfully this time. "I didn't. I'm perfectly fine." He frowned slightly and I shook my head. "Alex is the one you should be worried about."

"I'll deal with him when he wakes up." Nix growls and I shook my head again.

"Let me?" I asked and Nix frowned in confusion, his eyebrows drawing in.

"He's my brother. I should take care of him." Nix argued and I sighed.

"Nix, Alex doesn't need a brother right now. He needs a friend. I found him, I'll fix it." Nix still didn't seem on board, so I leaned in, our faces mere inches apart. Nix sucked in a quick breath and I grinned. "Please?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Fine." He said, his voice husky. Then he pulled me to him, our lips meeting quickly and passionately before he let me go. "We need to get him home." He motioned to the back seat.

"Fine." I mimicked him, before giving him another kiss and sitting back in my seat.

He shook his head, smiling, before starting his drive back to the center.

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