Chapter fourteen

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Hello again! I'm sorry I didn't update sooner, but I was on vacation. Anyways, I hope all of you are safe! Sorry for any typos in advance and please tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's POV:

"What's wrong with you're brother lately?" I ask Alex a week later, sitting in the parking lot.

Alex looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"He's distant. It's like he's there, but he doesn't even know he is." I said.

"Probably nervous. We have visitors coming into town in a few days." Alex shrugged.

"Who?" I asked.

Alex shrugged and looked away.


"Just family friends. They feel bad, and they want to visit me and Nix." Alex said.

I gave him a confused look. "If it's just family friends, why would Nix be nervous?"

Alex scratched his neck. "We haven't seen them in a long time?"

"And why are you so guilty?" My eyes narrowed and Alex gulped. "What aren't you telling me?"

Alex looked away and sighed. "Those family friends include Roxy. Nix's ex."

"You were both acting so weird because an ex is coming into town?" I laughed.

Alex shrugged. "They meant a lot to each other. With you around now, Nix is probably just worried that she'll say something she shouldn't."

I shook my head. "Nix isn't the only one with exes. Everyone has a past, right?"

Alex nodded. "Right."

"So no more secrets?"

"No more secrets." Alex said.


Alex chuckled. "You're less fragile than I thought."

I shrugged. "Nah. I'm just not worried about ancient history. It's in the past. I'm sure Nix has long forgotten about her."

There was a long silence and I looked at Alex.

"What now?"

"It isn't that far into the past. They only broke up a few months ago..." Alex trailed off.

"It's still in the past though." I said.

Alex nodded.

"Right? He is over her, right?"

Alex just looked at me. "I'm just a kid." He finally said.

I sighed. I'm being overbearing. He isn't even my boyfriend. I should stop freaking out. If he wasn't over her, he wouldn't hang out with me. Right? Unless I'm just a friend to him... Or worse! A rebound.

"Winter, it'll be okay." Alex said, clearly sensing my inner struggle.

I barked out a laugh. "How are you so sure? For all I know, he could just be using me!"

"Come on, Winter. I know my brother. So do you. He wouldn't do that." Alex said calmly.

"No, I don't know him. At least not well enough, considering I didn't even know his ex was coming into town!" I was frustrated.

Alex rolled his eyes. "You don't mean that. You're just being jealous. You'll get over it in a day."

"I'll get over it when I see them together. When I see that he doesn't look at her with a longing or regretful look."

Alex sighed. "You're overreacting."

"Well, which is it, Alex? First you say I'm underreacting and now I'm overreacting?" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Well, what am I supposed to do about it? Me and Nix aren't even technically together. If he still has feelings for her, who am I to keep him from her?"

"If you really don't care, maybe you don't belong with Nix after all." Alex said.

With that, Alex stood up and walked back into the building, leaving me and my doubts alone again.

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