Chapter ten

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Welcome back, and I hope you enjoy! Sorry for any typos in advance, and that this one is short. Pleeeease tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's POV

I hear a door slam shut and look over.

"So this is what you say behind my back?" She barks out a humorless laugh, tears in her eyes. "I'm out of here."


"Winter? Are you okay?"

Nikki looks down at the phone before she storms out of the room.

"I'll call you late Nix." I hung up before I could hear his response and ran after Nikki. "Nikki, hold on."

I grab her arm and pull he to me.

"Just hold on a second. You said-"

"I said it! It doesn't mean I meant it!" She interrupts.

"Then why did you say it?!"

"Because! I'm broken and you don't have the fucking glue!"

I cringed away from her words. I stepped back. One step. Two. Then I turned and ran to the room.

I collapsed on my bed and let out a shaky breath. I will not cry.


I look up at the familiar voice as he looked at my state.

"No....what happened baby?"

I almost laughed at his words. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"What's the matter?"

"Nikki." I say, frowning.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Nix."

"But it is. I asked on the phone..."

"And I answered. My fault, not your's."

"Well, I still want to make it up to you." He pauses for a moment. "Maybe we could go to the park?"

I nod, and he grabs my hand, pulling me off the bed and out the door. I instantly miss his arms around me, and, as if he can sense it, he shrugged off his jacket.

"What are you doing now?"

He shrugged. "Making it up to you."

I chuckled and slipped it on. "What a sacrifice you have made."

His eyes widened. "Wait-"

"Nope, it's too late now!" I laugh, and he joins in.

"There's that smile." I look up at him, and he looks back at me. It seemed that he was soul searching, not staring. I looked away from his eyes and we started to walk towards the park.

We were smiling and joking, and all was finally well, when I hear my phone in my pocket.

I know what your thinking. Why does an orphan have a phone? Well, we kind of need it, considering we're always going places.

I open the message and stare. There's nothing else to do. Should I open it?

There was a video, but it could be of anything. Who would be texting me anyway....?

I opened it and my heart dropped. I watched as the video loaded, showing Nikki in front of the camera.

"Winter, I'm sorry for what I said. I was out of line. I hope your happy with the boy, cause I won't be in your way. Bye, Winter."

The video ended and I dropped my phone. I stated to run back to the room, but Nix caught me. "What are you doing?"

"I know that voice, Nix! She- She's-" I couldn't finish my sentence, and instead, I burst into tears.

Nix pulls me to him and hugs me before I pull away.

"I have to-"

"I understand, Winter. But I'm coming with you, okay?"

I nod and pull him towards the room, half running half walking.

I opened the door and saw most of the girls sitting on their beds, reading or talking, and I ran to the bathroom. I pounded on the door but their was no answer.

"Winter? What's up?" Bea asks, walking to my side.

"Where's the spare key?" I ask impatiently.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Katherine says sarcastically.

"I just need the key!"

Natalie brings me the key and I quickly open the door, causing the wood to make a loud clanging sound as it slammed against the wall.

I hear gasps all around me. My heart beat was out of control and I felt Nix grab my hand in an attempt to calm me down. It didn't work.

I fell to my knees, sobbing as the other girls rushed to get help.

"Nikki..." I hiccuped, before I heard footsteps storm into the room.

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