Chapter eleven

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I'm so sorry this took forever, I just haven't really thought about it. I know, I suck. I apologise for any typos in advance, I hope you enjoy, and PLEASE tell me what you think, I'll start, I think it sucks •́ ‿ ,•̀
I know it's short, but there's more to come! Also, I hope all of you are healthy and safe! Share the love!

Winter's POV:

"She didn't make it. But her last words were, and I quote, "Tell Winter it's her fault."

With a jump, I woke up in tears. I looked at Nix, who had nudged me awake.

"It's all my fault." I said for at least the seventeenth time since we got here. And it is. My fault.

"No, Winter, it's not." Nix said. Again.

"Nix, you didn't see her face. I could-"

"See her pain. I know. You've already told me. But it'll be okay, baby. She'll be okay." Nix soothes. He pulls me to him and I lay my head on his chest.

We are currently sitting in the hospital, waiting for them to give us an update on Nikki.

When I walked into the bathroom, I had seen her unconscious, with a lot of pills in front of her.

She had gotten the pills, which we learned to be antidepressants, from Madison and Leah, who both feel really bad about this whole mess.

But it's not their fault. It's mine.

"Hi, are you two here for Nikki Dixon?" The doctor in front of us asks.

"Yes. Is there any news?" Nix asks, as I straighten up and hold my breath.

"There is. Is her family here?"

"She lives in the shelter, sir." Nix corrects.

"Oh, okay. That's my bad." The doctor says, checking his clipboard.

"The news?" I sigh, letting my impatient breath go.

"Hm." He sighs, scratching his neck. "What's your relation?"

"I'm her friend. Now tell me." I spit out, getting angry with this awkward doctor.

"She won't wake up, and her heart is getting weaker. We'll need to keep her longer to know much more. But we aren't so sure on her chances of surviving. You should say goodbye." The doctor looked at me apologetically.

I started to gasp for air and the doctor stepped forward, as if to take me to a room, and Nix stopped him. "Leave. You've done more than enough."

"But she might-"

"I have her. Now, leave." Nix commanded, turning to me and pulling me into a hug. I cried into his shirt until my eyes were dry and his shirt was soaked.

"Let's go see her." He mumbled and I nodded.

We walked down the hallway and the room the doctor had said when we first arrived.

We entered the room and I let out a tiny sob. She was hooked up to a lot of cords and her face was terribly pale.


"It'll be okay, baby. I'm here for you, okay?"

I nod and he holds my hand.

I talked to Nikki for a little bit, apologizing for everything. After it all, I felt a lot better.

Then the doctor walked in and my heart skipped a beat.

"What is it?" Nix gritted out.

"We ran some tests. She will be fine." I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. "But she's still not waking up. Our results say that since the medicine was more for the brain, it really only messed with her brain. If she does ever wake up, she will have serious brain damage. We'll have to-"

"You want to put her in a Looney bin!?" I ask, angry.

"We can't keep her here! She's not sick or dying." The doctor argues.

"She's moving out of here tomorrow. She won't have any visitors there, so you should probably get it all out now."

Nix tightened his hold on my hand, and squeezed it twice. The doctor left and I turned to Nix. "What are we gonna do?" I sob.

"We're gonna say goodbye." He hugs me and mumbles in my hair.

"Yeah, Winter. Say goodbye already." I hear from the hospital bed. Wait a second...


"What about me?" She giggles.

"Nikki, this isn't funny." I say, confused.

"Well, sure it is, silly! Where's my mom? Did she get home okay?" She giggled again.

"Nikki, what are you talking about? You never told me about your parents."

"I'm going to get the nurses." Nix says, leaving the room and jogging down the hall.

"Nikki, why would your mom not get home okay?" I ask panicked.

"Because Daddy killed her, duh."

The nurses rushed in and gave her sedatives. In a matter of seconds, Nikki's eyes drooped closed and she nodded off.

The nurses ushered me and Nix out of the room and closed the door shut behind us.

"Are you okay?" Nix said, worried.

"I'm okay. But Nikki's not." I say, saddened.

"She'll be fine. They're going to fix her all up." He brings me into a hug and rubs my back until I feel better.

"You ready to get out of here? Hospitals freak me out. The bleached blood smell, you know?" He smiled and I let out a little laugh before leaving the hospital, and Nikki, behind.

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