Chapter four

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Hello, and welcome back! Hope you enjoy *insert evil laugh here*
Sorry for any typos in advance, and please tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's P.O.V:

I broke away from Naida frowning. I don't want to go to therapy! Not when me and Naida were... Making up. Yeah. Naida notices my scowl and her eyebrows draw together.

"What's wrong Little Winter?" She says with concern laced in her voice.

I sigh. "I have to get to therapy."

Naida looks disappointed at my confession. "Can't you skip it?"

I look at her and I almost say yes. Then I remember Bea. "No, I can't."

She frowns and pulls me closer to her. "Are you sure?" She leans in closer.

I nod shakily, which makes her smirk.

"Nervous, Little Winter?" Her smirk seems to grow ten times bigger when I slowly shake my head. "We'll see about that." She says as she pulls me closer and smashes her lips on mine in one swift motion. I kiss her back, my heart beating fast. I tangled my hands in her hair, which, by the way, is super soft.

I break away and Naida smiles. "I have to go to therapy." I mumble, stepping away from her.

She caught my hand and started to fiddle with my fingers. "Well," She started. "If you must go, could I least escort you?"

"Yeah, but Bella is supposed to drive me." I say.

There's a flash of emotion in Naida's eyes. "Bella who?"

"Your mom."

Naida lets out a sigh of relief and I laugh. "What?" She asks, narrowing her eyes playfully.

"Maybe it's just me, but you sounded a bit jealous." I smile big, waiting for her to respond.

Instead, she pulls me close, making my heart stutter. "Are you sure you want to go to this therapy thing?" Naida asks. Hmm. Spend quality alone time with Naida, or go to some stupid therapy thing, and maybe get answers from Bea. Yeah, I'm staying with Naida.

Instead of verbally answering Naida, I pull her down to me, kissing her lips hungrily. She wraps her hands around my waist and pulls back for a second. "We need to cancel on mom first." She pulls out her phone and calls Bella. "Mom, Winter is with me, and she's skipping therapy today." She paused waiting for Bella to respond and hung up a few seconds later.

I give Naida a confused look when she starts to lead me toward the sorry excuse of a parking lot. She stops in front of a blue Volvo. "Is this yours?" I ask, not knowing what else to say.

She smirks and opens the passenger door.

I get in, a little nervous, and Naida closes the door behind me before walking around the car and getting in the driver's side. She smiles over at me and starts the car. "Where are we going?" I ask as we pull out of the parking lot.

"It's a surprise." Naida said glancing at me. I frown. She knows I don't like surprises.

"Can I at least have a hint?" I ask hopeful.

"Your going to love it."

The rest of the car ride was torture. Naida kept teasing me with the destination and for some reason I was getting nervous. When Naida said we were only thirty minutes away, we pulled into a parking space outside of some restaurant.

It looked small and cozy, but when we went inside, it was a whole different story. There were huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, polished tiles, and a various number of couches. I looked around in awe as Naida led the way. But when we got a few feet from the counter, when we could actually see the counter assistant, Naida stopped.

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