Chapter sixteen

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Hello again! Hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry for any typos in advance, and that I took forever, and please tell me what you think!  Share the love!

Nix's POV:

I paced the room back and forth.

She should have called by now!

Naida is working on it. She's working on it.

Or your messed up big time sending the ex girlfriend to get her to call you.

Winter is over Naida, I have nothing to worry about. Plus, Naida is in a relationship.

You should have asked Angel. Or Alex!

I know what I'm doing, damn it! She wouldn't have talked to either one of them.

I doubt that's even-

Suddenly my phone started to ring and I jumped, checking it.

But it was only Roxy, my ex girlfriend.

I reluctantly answered the call. "What the hell do you want?"

I heard a light laugh on the other end. "Don't talk to me like that, baby, I might not take you back."

I growled. I don't even want to see her! I have a perfectly fine life now, if Winter talks to me again. "Get to the point."

"Right. I just wanted to tell you that I'll be there in a few days, and you better have a place for me to sleep."

I rolled my eyes. "Find a hotel."

She sighed. "Get over yourself, Flowers." She said, using my last name. "I'd be just fine sleeping with you."

I growled again. "I'm seeing someone, Roxy."

The line went silent and I smiled. "Oh. Well that won't do. What's her name?"

I frowned. "None of your business."

She giggled. "What are you afraid of?" I scoffed and she continued. "If you tell me, I'll leave you alone until I get there."

"Fine. Her name is Winter. Now goodbye." I hung up the phone and sighed.

I'm glad we broke up.

Less than a minute later, the phone rang again. I waited before answering, thinking it was Roxy. When I saw that it was in fact Winter, I took a deep breath, answered it, and sat down.


"Hey, can we talk?"

I sent a silent thank you to Naida. "Of course. What's going on?"

"I was... Being petty." She said.

I almost laughed. "You mean you were jealous?" I teased.

"No! Of course not, I was just being petty, okay? Moving on."

This time I did laugh and she sighed.

"Seriously though, Nix. Alex made it sound like-"

I cut her off. "Winter, you ignored me because of something Alex said?"

"Well... Yeah. He was talking about your ex girlfriend and I-"

"Winter, do you know how worried I was? I thought I had did something to run you off! I thought I lost you, and I didn't know what my life would be like without you..." I trailed off, thinking of how empty I was before.

"I'm sorry. But you have lived without me, Nix. If something happened I wouldn't want you to-" I cut Winter off again.

"Winter, I may have breathed, but I wasn't living. I was empty. I couldn't even protect my little brother from our own parents!" I yelled, immediately regretting my tone.

"Nix, that's not your fault." She said gently.

I sighed. "Whatever. It's in the past, and so is Roxy. I have you, don't I?"

There was a short silence before she answered. "Yes, and speaking of, Nix, I wanted to-"

"Ask if we're friends or more than friends?" I finished for her. There was a short laugh in the other end and I smiled awkwardly. I didn't want to do this over the phone, but I'm not going back now. "Well, no worries, Winter, I'll be your boyfriend."

There was silence on the other end.

"Winter?" Silence. "Oh, come on, I was kidding! Okay, no I wasn't. Will you please just say something?" More silence. "Winter... Will you be my girlfriend?"

She finally spoke. "Well, since you practically begged for me... I guess I'll put you out of your misery and-"

"Winter." I playfully growled. "Yes or no, Babe?"

"You can't call me babe, I haven't said yes yet!" She laughed.

"Fine. Yes or no, Cupcake?" I asked and she laughed again.

"Nix! You're cheating!" She whined and I chuckled.

"Just say yes, Babe."

"Fine. Yes, Nix, I'll be your girlfriend. Since you asked so nicely."

I smiled and looked at the time. "I'll be at your room in twenty minutes. Bye Babe."

She started to protest and I hung up, laughing to myself.

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