Chapter two

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Hello, and thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy chapter two! Sorry about any typos in advance, and please tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's P.O.V:

I hear a dark chuckle coming from the beautiful girl beside me. I look down, squeezing my eyes shut.

I didn't do that, I didn't do that, I SO didn't do that. Oh my gosh, what have I done?!

The dark chuckle turns into an amused one, and I realize that I said that out loud. I have got to stop talking to myself!

I look at the crowd once again, but instead of the disappointed looks I was expecting, I see one's of awe instead. I look at Naida to see why they were like that, and I see her looking at me with suck an intensity it sends shivers down my spine. I suck in a deep breath and she gets closer to me.

"Are you nervous, little Winter?" She says, her breath fanning over my face. It smells like minty cupcakes. Maybe a toothpaste bakery....

I shake my head and slowly let my breath out. I look down, feeling the blush creep up my face. I didn't want to even imagine how red I was.

Suddenly there was a rush of warmth, and with that, a burst of fireworks. Naida put her hand on my face, causing me to look back up at her.

She smiles and gets impossibly closer. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Little Winter, you are being incredibly teasing." She whispers. And with that she pulls me in and our lips collide. My heart basically packs its bags and leaves, while I stand there for a split second wondering if this is really happening, before kissing her back eagerly. I've waited a long time for this, what did you expect?

I could feel Naida's smirk as the crowd claps loudly. Wow, that's embarrassing. I pull away and look into Naida's eyes.

She looks disappointed. Angry. I have no idea what I did, but she is not happy. I immediately frown, confused why she is so upset after a kiss.

Then I hear a slow clap, you know the ones where it's like saying 'Oh wow, I'm so impressed, but not really'? Well it was like that.

I turn around and see a boy and a girl, both around our age. I think I've seen them hanging around Naida a few times, so they must be here friends.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? This must be...what is it that you call her? Big Summer? Medium Spring? Ah, Little Winter." The girl says making Naida glare at her.

"Shut it, Radley." Naida snaps. The girl smiles sweetly, way too sweetly if you ask me, and walks closer to us. Though, I should say me, because she is all up in my face.

"Nick, I see why you chose her. She's gorgeous." The girl, Radley, says. She looks me up and down and I feel my cheeks turn red.

"I know it. And I knew that her and Naida have a certain... connection. That we could all tell by the huge moment you two just had." Nick says. Who are these people? Whoever they are, they're pissing Naida off.

"That's true Nick. Nonetheless, I guess she was right after all." Radley says, finally seeing Naida's death glares, and backing away from me.

"Right about what?" I finally speak. I have no clue why they are even here, ruining our moment, so I guess I should get some answers.

"Oh, Naida, I'm disappointed. You didn't even tell her it was a bet?" Nick says, making me turn to look at Naida.

"What are they talking about?" I say, trying to speak around the link in my throat.

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