Chapter thirteen

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Hello again! I hope all of you are healthy, safe, and have plenty of toilet paper!! I'm so sorry about how long it's been. With everything that's going on, I kinda just forgot. I'll try to update as soon as possible. Anyways, I'm sorry for any typos in advance, I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think! Share the love!

Winter's POV:

After I hunted down Alex, me and my friends had fun until the other girls came home. Then I was busted for living my life, and sentenced to force my friends from my life and live in solitude.

Maybe I'm being a tad melodramatic, but they did shut things down.

Now I'm sitting on my bed, trying to read. Problem is, it's about one o'clock in the morning and everyone's asleep.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. I guess not everyone is asleep.

I opened the message and rolled my eyes.

'Hey baby! I miss you so much!!' Nix texted.

I laughed and typed out a response. 'I'm not your baby, and I saw you a few hours ago.'

'Aw, come on baby. Meet me?'

I smiled. 'Fine.'

'Wear my jacket. It's freezing outside.'

I giggle and, without responding, I slip on Nix's jacket and my shoes.

I was about to leave when I realized I had no idea where I was going, because Nix never said where.

I know what you're thinking. Why not just ask? And that's because asking would be like admitting defeat. 

I stood by the door waiting for him to text me a location but he didn't. After about ten minutes, I decided to wait outside and see if he was coming to get me.

I opened the door and almost screamed.

"Baby, you look scared." Nix said.

I stepped outside and shut the door before turning to Nix. I punched his shoulder. "That could have bad! What if I screamed and woke everyone up?!"

He rubbed his shoulder and pouted. "It didn't go bad, and if you woke everyone up I would have grabbed your hand and told you to run."

I bit my lip, trying not to smile.

"Now come on baby." Nix smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I am not your baby.

He smirked and grabbed my hand. My face heated up, my body betraying how calm I sounded.

This is going to be a long night.

It actually wasn't that long of a night. We were out, roaming around the park, when we saw Alex with a bunch of crackheads. Yeah, it surprised me too. However, Nix was more angry than surprised. He looked at me and then looked at his brother. At that point, Nix dragged Alex away and he walked with us for a bit before Nix claimed that his brother 'ruined his vibe' and that he should take me home.

It was fine with me though, because I had gotten pretty tired, even though we didn't do anything.

Now I'm laying in bed, realizing I'm not as tired as I thought.

I rolled over and closed my eyes.

I wonder if Nix is thinking about me...

Why should he? He's pretty hot, why in the world would he choose you?

Good point. But I might have a chance. Right?

Wrong! Did that work with Nadia? No! Did it work with Nikki? No! Did it work with a single human being before that? No! Stop saying you have a chance when part of your brain still says you don't.

There's a thing called hope, you know?

Didn't you used to have a crush on a girl named Hope? Did that one work out? No!

What if-

But it was too late to defend myself from my own brain, because I was already drifting to sleep.

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