Chapter 23 Hapu

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Sun wakes up in a bed," uh what happened", hapu looks over at sun "oh your awake finally", she walks over to him handing him some tea. Sun drinks his tea and asks hapu, "what happened to me", hapu looks at him " you fainted for some reason I don't know how or why but you seem pretty tried after a long day I assume". Sun gets up from the bed "well thank you, uh have you seen my hat", she points to the closet,"wait sun I need your help around the ranch, it be nice to catch up with you again", sun smiles and nods "um sure". As they went outside hapu hands him a bucket, "here now feed the mudsdales", sun takes the bucket and rushes towards the stables. The mudsdales Winnie with happiness, "ok everyone calm down in gonna feed you dont worry", he says and he fills the trays with poke beans all the mudsdales ate happily. Sun signs with relieve and walks back as hapu was feeding some miltanks, "now what" sun asked hapu, "now milk the miltanks" the miltanks moo'd at him as hapu hands sun another bucket but more wider. As soon as the miltanks were done eating, sun started milking the miltanks, sun was a little grossed out but paid no mind. "Now Sun take the milk the the fridge ok", sun carried the heavy milk buckets to the fridge and askes hapu "is there anything else I can do", hapu smiles at him and says and she hands him a shovel "scoop up the-" sun cuts off hapu "no no say no more I know what to do", as he grabs the shovel amd heads to where the "bulls" are at. "Uh thats stinks so bad" as sun scoops up the last of the waste, sun quickly washes his hands "never doing that again" sun tells himself", sun heads back to hapu house, when he did she was already taking off her work boots, "ah sun here you go and thanks for the help" she hands him $630 poke dollars "sun would you stay for dinner id like to talk to", "uh sure". Later hapus grandma makes both of them a peach cobbler "thank you" sun politely saye, hapus grandma says "hapu why didn't you tell me your boyfriend was so sweet", they both blush "hes not my boyfriend", "shes not my girlfriend" they both say at the same time, "just kidding", they both sign with relieve as they started to eat. Later they both say on the couch and started to watch so movies "so hapu why did you want to see me", she blushes a little "well I have this secret I dont really like to tell anyone because I'm afraid they're going to judge me", sun looks at her surprised "what is it come on it cant be that bad". "Promise you won't tell anyone", sun nods as she whispers in his ear "im in love with lillie" sun looks at you reader "YEAH you saw it coming come on have you play sun and moon and ultra sun and moon and all that gross artwork". Sun looks at hapu shocked "Uh hapu I'm lillies boyfriend we've been dating for quite awhile now", hapus blush grows "oh I'm sorry, I didnt mean it like that" she studders too much, "hapu I understand why you like her but I've had my eye set on her for a while and I ask her and we hit it off", hapu looks ashamed. "I'm sorry", "its ok hapu no hard feelings". After that weird moment sun left hapus house and heads to the boats, it was 9:25 pm when sun got back "man it's been a while". When sun opened the door he was greeted by his loveable sister who jumped on him and kissing him till sun couldn't breath anymore. "MOON GET OFF ME", "oh I'm sorry brother I just missed you", "yeah I missed you too", "welcome home sun" mom said kissing his cheek, "yeah yeah I know how much you missed me, say has dusk been around lately", moon and mom look at each other and both noded no. Sun snuggles with moon later in her cute pajamas, sun looks out the window at the moon, "oh lillie I wish to cuddle with you again" as the night slowly turned to morning, sun wakes up before moon and tucks her in his bed, he kisses her cheek a small smile grew across her face. Sun toke lycanroc with him to uki uki island to help with the league. When he got to the island dusk calls his brother "hey bro come here we have to talk about something" sun gets into the meeting tent as dusk explains what there going to do next week. "We going to revisit the islands next week which means the workers will get a day off", everyone tells sun thats a great idea, dusk announces "everyone next week on Friday you all get a day off" everybody cheers, "so work work work". The workers were working faster then ever, sun walks back to the boat and calls mom, "mom we're going to revisit all the islands next Friday ok soon dont worry about me", mom smiles "sure sweetie have fun". When sun got he sees moon drinking some milk and mom working on the computer, he walks over to moon, "hey baby how was school", she kissed her brother "its ok but I have to read this chapter in the book later, will you read it with be" sun tells his sister "sure". Later in the night moon and sun switched into their pajamas and started reading, the story was rather interesting, its the history of cubone. Moon was slowly reader as she got sleepy and so was sun. Sun began massaging his sisters shoulders making her more sleepy, with a yawn she drops her book and goes to sleep, which sun later did and wraps his arm around moon and cuddles with her and kisses her ear goodnight.

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