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Charlie's POV

It's only been a while since Alastors been with us. He's been great help, actually. A few demons come here, not many but no complaints. He makes great company with me too, his friends Husk and Nifty have been such good help as well.

Husk, well...he drinks on the job but what else should I expect of him? And Nifty is just a sweetheart, she cleans everything and leaves everything spotless.

I was in my office looking at the picture frame of me and the hotel staff. Alastor with a huge smile, me smiling, Vaggie and Angel fighting in the picture, Nifty close to the camera smiling, and Husk just being husk (flipping off the camera).

A giggled when I reminisced that day. It was just lovely. Having the whole crew together and taking a picture. I gleefully smiles and went back to the paperwork. I then heard knocking at the door, I went ahead and grabbed my radio on my way to the door. I had my office door open so I was able to hear the soft and slightly hard knocking on the door.

I smiled as I thought it may a demon who wants to be redeemed. I opened the door and didn't see anyone.

"Hi." A little sheepish voice said, I looked down and saw a little girl that looked just like Alastor, I gasped. "Uhh, h-hi. May I help you, little one?" I asked. What in the world?

"Yes, have you seen this man?" The little Alastor girl shows me a picture of Alastor and her, I lightly smiled as I've never seen Alastor letting anyone hug him. This little girl was hugging him by the leg as he looked down at her and smiled.

"Yes, he works here actually! Come on in, I'll lead you to him." I gestured the girl to come on inside, she seemed happy. Her eyes glisten when she heard me say that her father was indeed in here.

She grabbed my hand and I let out a soft gasp, then I looked down at her and smiled. She was such a sweetheart, how can she be related to the most feared demon of hell?

I walked down the hall, I saw Alastors office, I knocked on it and heard him tell me to come in. I took a breath and walked in.

"Hey, Al." I waved at him. He looked at me and gave me a signature smile. "Hello, darling! How may I assist you?" He asked. "I have something for you actually..." he tilted his head as i gestured to the girl next to me.

She had this sparkle in her eye when she laid eyes on her father. Same goes to Alastor, he was smiling. I let go of the girls hand and she ran to her dad. He was out of is seat and collapsed on the floor, hugging his little fawn.

"Daddy!" She sobbed. She was hugging him ever so tight, not wanting to leave her dad again. "Oh my little fawn! I've missed you!" Alastor said in his usual radio voice. He grabbed her and spinned around and  stopped to hug her again.

It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. My heart raced a little when I saw this, I left to let them have some space. I went back to my office and just thought about the whole situation. It was nice to see Alastor hug his little daughter.

I was in awe, but it was sad. Lucifer knows how long they've been separated. I'm glad she found out where he was at.

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Alastors POV

I couldn't believe it! My little fawn is back with me. I haven't seen her for over two years. I've tried my hardest to find my little angel.

"Oh my sweet Anais! Where have you been my sweets?" I pulled away from out hug and looked at her. She was still crying lightly. I softly smiled and wiped a tear away.

"Ana, you're never fully dressed without a smile!" This seemed to make her smile at her ol' dad. "I was with Mimzy. But you know she can't take care of me and have a job at the same time. I left and looked all over to find papa." I furrowed my eyebrows as I remembered about Mimzy.

We didn't really click. We were a thing but then we aren't. She didn't like all the killing and the constant leaving to broadcast my power. So she wanted me to leave. And I did, but I didn't want to leave my baby fawn.

Anais has the same hair as me, eyes, smile, but she didn't have sharp teeth or yellow teeth like me. She had pearly white teeth with fangs. My little fawn was perfect the way she is, she looks 99% like me.

"Papa?" I looked at her again, and smiled. "Yes my little fawn?" She took a moment to think about what she was about to say. "Would momma be mad?" I thought to myself. Then sighed.

"Ana, has going to be very mad at dad. But it isn't neither my fault nor yours. She should have taken better care of you." I told my daughter. She nodded and snuggled her head to my neck, I patted her back and softly sang her a tune.

It was getting late. I kept working while Anais slept on a sofa using my dress coat as a blanket. I finished examining every paper and signing them, then I neatly folded them and stacked them.

I lightly picked up my daughter and headed to my room. I placed her on my bed and took off her shoes. I put the blanket over her and kissed the top of her head. I then laid down on the couch and fell asleep.

(In the morning)

I felt someone lightly shaking me. "Daddy, it's morning! It's time to wake up." A light whisper yell was heard from my right. I looked at Anais, and smiled. "Good morning papa!" She smiled brightly. I was in complete awe, she mad my heart warm. She was my little girl that looked like me.

I got dressed and so did Anais. She had a small suitcase with her clothes and photos of me, Mimzy and her. I smiled as one of them was a photo of me carrying Anais when she was a baby.

"Dad?" Anais ticked the tail of my coat. "Yes pumpkin pie?" I turned my attention to her. "Can you help me tie my bow for my hair?" I nodded and did what I was asked to do.

We walked out and headed to the kitchen, where the whole staff was located at. They all saw me most of them with their eyes widened all except Charlie, Husk and Nifty. Husk and Nifty met my daughter before, but they were a bit surprised when they saw her next to me.

"Everyone, this is Anais. My daughter!" I gestured to my daughter. "Hello, I'm Anais! It's nice to meet you all! And good morning!" I she waved to all of them.

"She, uhh... why doesn't she sound like a retro radio?" Angel Dust asked highly confused of the situation. I shrugged and sat down. Anais did the same. We all ate and talked.

It was nice to have Anais meet my co-workers and friends. I hope they all get along well, I'm not worried about Charlie or Husk and Nifty.

More worried about Vaggie and Angel Dust, I hope they watch their language around her, or don't offended her. Because if they hurt my little angel, all hell will break lose.

Hi! I hope you enjoyed my new story! 'Unrequited Love.' will be continued but I want to make it better and have it more perfect. 'Guilty' will be continued, I just need more inspiration for it. I wanted to do this little AU thing, where Alastor has a daughter. This story is also a AlastorxCharlie fanfic.

Anyways hope you enjoyed my new story!

♥︎ Thank you in advance ♥︎

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