Oh Brother

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A few weeks later.
Anais' pov
It's been 3 weeks since me and Jensen reconnected. Today is when his brother should be arriving today. He's been a bit tense about, last night we texted each other until 3 AM.

It's been rough for him, it really seems like he doesn't want his twin brother to come back from Hell. I'm sure he's not that bad......hopefully.

"Alright. We should get going now. Breakfast was nice by the way, Miss." My grandmother thanked him and watched us as we both left the house.

"You don't have to come, I can just text you later." Jensen says once we were halfway to the gateway. I look at him and down at my arm that was wrapped around his.

"I want to. I'm here for moral support." I smile and he give me a half smile. "Thank you. Also how's your wound? As it heal? We couldn't heal it with magic in the beginning because of how much tissue was damaged and your organs."

I pat his hand, "I'm fine, no scar and thank you for being there for my recovery." He nods his head with a smile.

A few minutes later and we were in front of the golden gates. "I regret coming here." Jensen says under his breath. I look at him and then at the gates.

We stopped in front of them, it was a bit cold today. Next thing I knew it was raining hard, "Oh my fucking-" before he could finish his sentence we see a figure approaching.

It was getting foggy, the rain stopped but it was now cold. Then we hear laughter a few feet in front of us. "Jensen!" That voice.

"Oh no." I say under my breath, I clutch onto Jensen's arm tightly. He looked at me with concern, "Oh and—" the voice says once he spotted me, he cut himself off.

"Jack." Jensen sternly says, Jack looked at me with confusion. I looked back at him, we started at each other for what seemed like an hour.

"Anais? Anais?" I gasp and look to my right, Jensen had a hold on to my arms shaking me. I look at him, "S-sorry. I zoned out." I give him a reassuring smile, he looked concerned.

"Anais." Jack says with a smirk, I gulp. "Jack." So this is what he looks like in human form. Black hair still, blue eyes, and seems like he's growing a beard.

We all walked back, we had to take Jack for sole counseling. We got a few looks from people we passed by.

"I thought you were dead." I say to Jack, Jensen looked at me with a confused face. "I thought you were dead." Jack responded back.

"Am I missing something?" Jensen asked, as we got closer to his house. I shake my head, he raised a brow once we stopped in front of the house.

"I-I have to get going. I need to go to my job, I'll text you later about you know what." Jensen nods and I shot him a smile.

I walk away, hoping Jack doesn't tell Jensen about our "relationship". I think it's better if I told him myself, now knowing that Jack might twist the story.

Let out a sigh, "Melani!" I turn around and was greeted by a hug from Jensen. "I'll pick you up later, I just need to get him settled in." I smile and nod.

Before he left I pull him in and kiss his cheek. He was much taller than me, he was 6'4 and I was 5'4.

We smile and wave, I turned around and walk with a smile. When I was out of distance from the two, I flew up and went to my work.

I had been working since I've recovered. I applied for a job and I got a call when I was out of the hospital. I'm working as a cashier at my local supermarket.

I land and take off my jacket, I go to the locker room and change into my uniform. I put my hair into a ponytail and walk out.

I started at 8 o'clock and leave at 3 o'clock. It's a good thing since today I am changing my name. And then soon I will be able to get an apartment or maybe even a house!

Who knows? I just hope I can finally be an adult and live by myself. Grandma says she'll lend me some money if I needed it. I denied but she insisted that I'm her only granddaughter and she wants me to live comfortably.

I later agreed and I have a monthly allowance of $100. If I save up enough I'll be able to move out and be on my own, I'm currently in college now and hoping to finish this year and the next year.

I want to be a kindergarten teacher when I finish college, and hopefully get myself a home. I just hope I can achieve this small goal.

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