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I wake up and rub my eye. I look around and sigh, "No morning cuddle." I say as I get up. I walk into my bathroom and brush my teeth.

I get out and do what I normally do on a normal day...well nearly normal. I sigh silently and walk downstairs. I check behind me and raise a brow.

"It's quite....too quiet." I whisper, I check inside the kitchen and no one is there. I check the clock that was hung on the wall, it's 3:00 AM

I groan and punch the bridge of my nose. "I can't go back to sleep anyways..." I let out a frustrated groan.

"I'll go find Jack. They won't notice I left..." I open the door silently and close it silently. I ran as far as I could from the hotel.

I felt safe knowing I am fully protected in hell. I didn't have to worry, I just needed to find him. Just one last hug. Please.

I walk around and see a bar. I decide to try my luck and see if he was in there. Maybe he was drinking his sadness away? I know I would if I drank.

I peek my head and look around. The music was not loud but it was loud enough to ring in my ears. Once my ears adjusted to the music I walk in and look around.

So many forms of demons around the bar. They looked so cool to me. I wonder how I would look like if I still lived in Hell.

I tap my foot along with the music once I stood around to look around. I didn't want to look suspicious, even though light illuminated of off me but no one seemed to care anyways.

I walk down the hall of the bar and see many close doors and open doors. I heard a familiar voice and pressed my head on the door to listen better.

I got excited once I knew it was Jack. I was about to open the door when I heard a females voice.

"So is going to guess it didn't last long?" She asked with a chuckle. I hear jack groan and sigh. "Her dad fucking fired me. Now I don't have a way back to Heaven."

"Why do you even want to go to Heaven?" The woman ask, "Because, I want to take over the throne of Lucifer. Maybe even be like him. I want the power of a God nixed with the devil."

"I would be able to rule over both. Anais was only my ticket to Heaven. I don't care about her, no one does. They just want to be on the good side of an angel so they can't die in the extermination day." I hear them both laugh.

Tears roll down my tears and I let out a sob. I put my hands over my mouth to silence myself but someone opened the door. "Anais?" Jack asked, I widen my eyes and run away.

Once I was outside I hear Jack calling after me. I let my wings out and fly away. I knew he could catch up to me with those big wings of his but I didn't care, it's not like he cares anyways...

I flew back to the roof of the hotel and collapsed. I cried, it was bad...

After a few moments I finally was calm enough to be able to talk normally.

I get up and dust myself off. I started coughing, a bit harshly and aggressively. I look at my hand and see a white petal.

I ran inside the hotel, I find myself in my room and go in my bathroom. I coughed into the sink and see more petals and one single flower.

I see gold mixed with the petals. Gold, the blood of an angel. I take deep breaths, in.....out..... I softly whisper to myself. "I feel better."

I wipe off the gold blood and get out of my bathroom. I sat in bed and thought about what I had just heard.

"He never loved me." I whisper to myself, I cover my face with my hands and lay back down. "I was just a ticket..or a trophy or whatever!" I slightly raise my voice.

Vines grew on the walls and a few roses were spread around the ground, even on my bed. "Calm yourself, Anais." I groan and lay in my stomach.

"I'll be fine. I'll make sure I'll be fine." I say into the bed sheet.

I'll move on..

My little fawn [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now