The confession

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Still Charlie's POV

"Al, I have feelings for you. I've had them ever since we started to be more than co-workers. I don't want to ruin our friendship by me telling you this, but I can't change my feelings." A tear rolled down my eye when I said the last sentence.

Alastor wiped it away. He smiled softly at me and looked into my eyes. "Smile my dear. You didn't ruin our friendship. You know I'm not used to this but, I have grown very fond of you Charlie Magne. I believe I have feelings for you too." Alastor gazed into my eyes. His pupils dilated, I knew he was being serious and not playing games.

"Cool beans." I sighed out in relief as I held my chest. Alastor chuckled a bit, I giggled along with his soft chuckles. Anais then came inside and started clapping.

"Yay! Now, can we be a small little family?" Anais happily yelled as she threw her arms up in the air. I giggled and Alastor gestured Anais to come to us. He pulled us into a big hug.

"You have to wait a bit longer my sweetheart, it's too early for that." Alastor softly told Anais. She pouted but nodded. I softly smiled and looked up at Alastor, he was looking at me, his Cheshire smile turned into a soft one. His eyes had a spark to them, I guess mine did too because he winked at me. That only made me blush.

Anais' POV

"Honey? Would you mind if you go find Nifty and Husk and stay with them?" Papa asked me nicely, I nodded and headed all the way to Nifty. I liked hanging with her, I'm a bit taller than her but she's older, she's in her 20's and I'm only 7.

I skipped through the halls and hummed a tune, a tune papa would hum. I had my eyes closed, I had a smile on my face, day dreaming.

Then crash! I fell to the floor. Rubbing my head, as it had hit the floor hard. "Ouchie." I whined as I rubbed my head. "Oh god! I'm sorry kid!" A voice said above me. It was that weird spider demon, Angel. But he was no angel.

"Here let me help ya up." Angel helped me up and crouched so I can see his face. He was as tall as a tree! And I was just an ant to him.

"Are you okay? Please don't tell Alastor! Please!" Angel Dust pleaded, he was visibly terrified of being erased by my dad. I laughed.

"I won't tell my dad get me orange juice!" Angel looked at me confused. "That's all ya want? Orange Juice?" He asked with a bit of sass.

I nodded and gave him my biggest smile, just like daddy's. Except I don't have sharp teeth, so it doesn't look scary. :(

"Okay then! Come on kid, let's get you some juice. If you'd like I can keep you company until you finish. I think that old grumpy cat has some." I nodded as Angel told me all this. We walked all the way to the bar.

To my surprise, Nifty and Husk were talking. Husk was smiling when Nifty chatted about something, he always seemed more calm around her. I smiled.

"Oh, Husker! I want some orange juice!" I yelled, I was a bit too small to get on the stool, I wonder how Nifty was able to sit on the stool.

"I got ya." Angel grabbed me and put me on the stool as gently as he could. I thanked him and Husk gave me a glass of orange juice. I smiled and thanked me as well.

"No boys, don't talk about what you normally would!" Nifty said to both Husk and Angel Dust, they groaned and nodded. Nifty let out a soft giggle.

"Hey I have a question about the kid." Angel Dust raised his hand and asked Husk his question. "What is it?" Husk said in his grumpy tone.

"How come she doesn't have sharp teeth?" Angel asked Husk and Nifty. They both thought to themselves to remember why I don't have sharp teeth like papa.

"Because she's still young, when she gets older her teeth with be like Alastors, that's at least we think will happen." Husk replied. Nifty nodded, I sat there finishing up my juice. I jumped down from my seat and waved to them.

"I'm going back to dads room, I'm a bit tired. Goodbye!" I waved to them and they all waved back. I headed back upstairs to my dads room. I hummed a song to myself and skipped my way to my destination.

A few minutes later.

I arrived to my dads room and knocked to see if he was in there. I waited for a few minutes and opened the door. I walked in and decided to get myself ready for bed. It was only 3:56 PM but I was a bit tired.

I got read and tucked myself in bed. I closed my eyes and dozed off. I didn't really dream much but I dreamed about Charlie and my dad together, with me . All three of us happy.

I smiled in my sleep, the dream making me smile. The thought of it just brought me joy.

Alastors POV

"Nice talking with you my dear~" I cooed into Charlie's ear. She blushed and nervously smiled. I placed my hand on her cheek and smiled at her, a soft smile. She smiled back, liking that I'm opening up to her.

"If you'd like, I would love to take you out in a picnic!" I cheerfully said. She smiled and nodded, "I love that idea. Tomorrow at noon?" She asked. I thought to myself. "Sounds wonderful!" I'll see you tomorrow at noon!" I said.

She nodded and I headed out the door. "Goodbye my dear Charlie!" I waved. "Goodbye Al, till tomorrow!" She waved back. I walked all the way to my room, thinking that Anais is in there, asleep.

I hummed a tune. Thinking what a splendid day it was today, yes indeedy. I made it to my room and knocked, no answer. I then opened the door slowly.

I saw my precious daughter sleeping. She looked so peaceful. She got herself in bed all by herself, clever girl.

I got myself ready too and slept on the couch. I slept and dreamed of nothing, I was however reliving some memories. Memories that I don't tell Anais about. I don't want her to think I'm having an affair in my slumber.

What a day.

(A/n) sorry it took me long to release a new chapter. I was caught up in school and didn't know what to write. I'll be sure to come up with something and add a new chapter to all my unfinished work. Good day/night!

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