I missed you.

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(This one is short, so don't be mad pls🥺)
Anais' pov
I wake up, shower, brush my teeth, clean my halo, dry my hair and dress myself. I then walked outside and speed walk to the direction to my dads office. It's been a while but I had a dream of when I was younger and when I was in there with him talking like the old times.

I was determined, I know I need to understand my father more. I need to stop being like this, I need to stop being like everyone else: judgmental

I stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath. I thought for a moment before knocking, father always hated when others walked in without knocking, even when he was alive.



"Father? I need to speak to you, it's important." I say after knocking I can hear an audible 'come in' inside, I opened the door and closed it behind me.

I turn to see my father at his desk shuffling some papers around, I took a deep breath and walked forward. "What is it, Ana? I have some papers I need to sign." He said when I walked forward.

"Can we talk about us? Heart to heart?" I asked sitting down on the chair across from him. He nods but continues shuffling papers around, like he was finding something.

"Do you hate me?" I asked, he stopped and looked at me, his smile there like before, never gone and never to be forgotten. "No, no of course not. You're my daughter, why in the hell would I hate you?" He asked, I looked at him with a sad expression.

"It's just...I thought you did. Up there I saw most of what you did. I thought maybe you would want to come with me. I know demons can't be with angels, but you could be redeemed?" I suggest.

His smile nearly shifted to a sad one, "My dear, it's too late for me. I can't ever be forgives for my sins." He looked at me when he said this. I nod and looked down.

"Maybe I can stay-" I was cut off by dad, "No, you deserve to be up there." He said with a good smile, not a mischievous or evil one.

He got up and I did as well, he walked up to me and hugged me. "I missed you, Ana." He said from above me, my eyes started to water.

"I missed you too, dad."


"So what's it like being second in charge of hell?" I asked him on the balcony of his and Charlie's room. He turned to me and smiled, "It's nice, I suppose. It's a bit tiring, maybe a bit brought but nice."

I smiled and nod, "Do you love your kids?" I asked him, he nods. "I can be a bit hard on them, I didn't give you that same treatment. They're the next heirs to the throne of hell, you weren't and aren't."

I nod, "Maybe you should talk to them both. Maybe they don't want to rule over hell." I suggest, he sighed and nods. "I will. Say, what day of the week are we on?"

"Uhhh, the third day." I respond, he looked at me with wide eyes, "You'll leave in two days!!" He said surprised, I laugh.

"Maybe I can make a deal with God." I smile, he sighed in relief. "How does one month sound to you?" I ask him, he thought for a moment as a joke and nods. "Good enough to me!"

We both sat there and laughed, we talked more and more. It was a nice day, I got to spend time with my dad. It was now easy to talk to him, just like the old days.

Charlie's pov
I smile at the door, seeing my husband and his daughter get close once again. I then left clutching onto my stomach, feeling a bit nauseous.

But everything seems to be going well now.

My little fawn [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now