One day

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Lyra wakes up, she looked around and was relieved to know she wasn't dreaming. She got up and put her  pants and shoes on.

She stepped outside and looked around. She found herself standing in front of her fathers office. She hesitates knocking.

She rhythmically knocks and opened the door. "Papa?" She says softly as she sees her father asleep. She chuckled and helped organize his papers.

She dropped a folder that contained more papers. It was all scattered on the floor. She sighed and picked them all up.

She sees an old newspaper. She picked it up and looked at the front cover.

Title: House burned down, Tragic death of a newborn

Lyra continued reading the front page. It said they couldn't find the body, they believed that maybe it was burned to ashes along with the building.

Lyra breathes heavily, oh...I can't believe t-this happened.

She starts panting, she was about to sob when she felt a hand in her shoulder. She turned around and sees her father half smiling.

"You shouldn't have seen that." Alastor says softly, he got out of his chair and kneeled down. He wipes a tear away, "I was so devastated when they couldn't find your body. It felt like I lost the last piece of humanity in me." He says softly.

"I-I had a vision. I think it was you and Mimzy. I heard screams, and someone crying." Lyra says as another tear rolled down her cheek.

"My memories." Alastor says softly. "Please don't cry." He pulls Lyra into a hug, wiping a tear away. "Papa, why did I get your memories?" Lyra asked, "I don't know sweetheart."

The two hear someone at the door. It was Charlie, she came in and hugged them. They stayed like that for 3 minutes.

Later, Lyra walked around the Hotel. She stopped when she noticed her 'little' sister. She walks up to Elizabeth.

"Hello, what are you doing?" Lyra asked, Elizabeth looks up. "Nothing." She says.

Lyra sits down beside her. "How old are you?" Lyra asks, "14." Elizabeth says, Lyra looks at her surprised.

"Mom was pregnant when I was still here?!" Lyra ask shocked to hear this. Elizabeth nods, "I did not know." Lyra says looking away.

"How come you're taller than me? I'm 5'4 and you're 5'6 at best. Not fair." Lyra says, Elizabeth giggled.

"How's school then?" Lyra asked, "Dad teaches us and mom. The only two smart ones in this hotel." The two laugh.

"That is correct." Lyra agrees, the two started talking about other things. The two didn't realize that they had the same interest in the same things.

"How's my other grandma?" Elizabeth asked, "Good. She's busy most days, I still live with her. I'm thinking about maybe getting my own home or apartment soon." Lyra responds.

"Damn, in Hell you can just take someone's house by killing them." Elizabeth says as she played with her hair. "Sometimes you guys have it easy here." Lyra joked.

But deep down, she didn't think they did. They broke so many laws and didn't get in trouble for it.

I heaven there were no police officers, you would be questioned by Mary herself. She was a very kind women, so she was always nice when asking someone of their crimes.

Though not many were prone to breaking any rules l, some did.

"I guess Heaven is like.... the living. Just more different." Lyra says, Elizabeth looked at her confused. "How would you know?" She asked.

"I've seen it. The world needs some love though, it's hurting." Lyra says in a serious tone. "I wish I can see it." Elizabeth says.

"One day." Lyra whispered. "One day." Lyra repeats smiling.

Later Lyra was back in Alastor's office. "I can't stay long papa. I have to go eventually." Lyra says as she looks up at him.

She was sitting across from him, Alastor was working. "I know." He says putting a file down.

"If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, come to me." Alastor says, Lyra smiled. "Of course." She says nodding.

"I'm sure nana will come visit you soon. She's been busy nowadays. I can't blame her." Alastor nods, "My mom, always being independent. She loves work, but she loves family more, if you need to talk to her, you have her as well." Lyra nods.

"I have to go, I love you papa." Lyra says standing up and walking towards her father. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I love you too, fawn. Be careful out there!" Alastor calles out.

Lyra stepped out of the hotel and was about to spread her wings when the door opened. "You were going to leave without saying goodbye?!" Lyra turned around and smiled.

"Oh Angel, come here." She held her arms out, Angel scooped her up and spun around hugging her tightly.

"You dork." Lyra says playing with his hair, "You're a dork!" Angel says putting her down, she giggled.

"Now take care, and be careful with men." Lyra nods and turn around.

She spread her wings out and jumped, giving her a boost. She flew fast into the blood red sky. She was up in the clouds now.

She waved her hand behind her, causing her wings to disappear. She walked around the city, she gestured a call.

She takes her phone out of her back pocket. She smiled and answered, "Hey!" A happy Jensen greets her.

"Hey." She said softly as she grinned. "I was wondering if you would like to watch a movie? We can watch it at my house." Jensen asked.

Lyra hummed, already knowing her answer. "Of course. I'll see you soon?" She asked, "At 5." Jensen says.

"Alright, bye." Jensen and Lyra hung up. Lyra took a deep breath and smiled. "You two are weird." Lyra jumped and turned around.

"Jack?" She asked confused to see him. "What in the name of Gaia are you doing here?" She asked, Jack shrugged.

"Can I crash your date?" Jack asked nonchalantly, Lyra shook her head. "Aw, come on we're friends!" Jack pleaded.

Lyra sighed and turned back and walked away. Jack followed, "Come on, I won't disturb you two!" He said a bit loudly.

I sigh, I hate this man.

My little fawn [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now