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In the morning, Anais' POV

I woke up bright and early...well not bright...but...uhhhhh never mind! I get up and get myself ready. I walk out my door with a smile, it's quite. Too quiet. I tried listening for a squeak or any noise, nothing. I started getting anxious, "What if they left and forgot about me?" I told myself.

"I should check Angel's room. I hate being alone..." I ran to where Angels room is, I knocked twice and waited. He opened the door and was in his normal attire.

"Anais? Hey kid, what's up?" He asked as he kneeled down to my level. "I was wondering the same thing, do you hear that? Nothing.  No noise..." I nervously said. He didn't say anything, he took a moment to listen and sure enough nothing as well.

"Let's go investigate." Angel picked me up and carried me to the lobby where we saw everyone there, even Lucifer. I widened my eyes when I saw white figures with wings. My eyes sparkled when I saw them.

"Woah.." Angel quietly said, I was surprised to see...angels...real life angels! Everything illuminated with a golden light around them. The whole room was full of light and life. It was something I've never seen before!

It was extravagant! I tapped Angel to put me down so I can walk closer, he did what I requested and I carefully walked down the stairs. Why are they here?

Ms. Ace's POV

I sniffled as I talked to the Angels requesting for them to let me talk to my son. He fought back the tears and tried his best to compose himself, but deep down. I know he's hurt.

"I didn't want to leave. I promise I'll be back soon! You can send me a card and a letter whenever you want to!" I hugged Al, a teardrop fell and I was... sad.

Sad because I have to leave, I don't belong here in hell. I was always up in heaven looking over my son and watching my grand daughter grow up to the little girl she is. It's even harder because it's her birthday today... I wish I can talk to her one last time but...time is running out and o don't want to wake her.

"G-grandma?" I small voice said underneath me. I widened my eyes as I looked down. I immediately fell to the ground and cried. I hugged Anais tightly and didn't want to let her go. "I'm so sorry Ana! I don't want to leave you!"

"L-leave me-me?" She said, I could hear she had slump in her throat that made her stutter. I glanced at the ground and closed my eyes. I got up and my face began to darken. "I'm sorry. I need to leave now...I promise to come back soon." I kissed her forehead and turned around to face the two angels. I nodded, as they were about to fly me back to heaven I hear Lucifer say something.

"Shouldn't the kid go too? From what I've been told... God said to take her too. She's a child and she doesn't deserve to be here either. I can arrange her to come visit along with you, Alexandria." I widened my eyes, tears still dropping.

"What? N-no! She has to stay! She needs her-" I got cut off, "I understand much as me and Lilith and everyone else will miss her...she needs to go back to where she belongs." His voice cracked.

"No! You can't take my daughter from me! You can't!" Alastor, my broken son, cried out loud. He stopped smiling, "She..SHE NEEDS ME! Please...I-I'll do anything..." I see a tear fall to the ground.

"I'm sorry...but you're daughter was only here because she needed her mother and father. It's come to my attention that she can take care of herself. She needs to go back home." I see Anais...her eyes wide open with tears streaming down her face.

She didn't say anything, I think she was regretting coming downstairs to check. "You can't take my best friend from me! She saved me!" Lucifer turned his attention to Angel Dust. "Exactly why she deserves to go, listen me and God and have her visit every once in a while! She can't stay, neither can her." Lucifer pointed at me.

"Come here honey..." I hugged Anais. "Let's go...lets go back to The Promise Land! Just me and you... and maybe even them." I pointed to Charlie and Al.

She nodded with a forced smile. I nodded to the Angels and waved goodbye to everyone. Angel Dust started crying uncontrollably, and then.....

                     Pure light blinded us...


Anais' POV

"Mmmm...W-where am I?" I looked around and there was nothing but clouds. I got up and noticed I looked more human...I had dark brown hair...not red.. it was the same length as it was back in hell.

I had a white dress on. I had olive skin. I had normal teeth! I was...normal. "B-but where am I?" I asked myself once again.

"Welcome home." A clear and soft voice said. I turned around and saw Grandma Ace, I cried and ran to her. She was normal too! She was about 5'6 and had the same brown hair as me. She seemed to be around in her late 30's. She looked so young and full of life.

"Happy birthday, Anais." She said in a voice so sweet .

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