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Early in the morning, in Alastor's and Charlie's room. They were both peacefully sleeping, Alastor holding Charlie in his arms, her having her hand in his chest. What a beautiful sight!
Grandma Ace's POV

Awww! What a cute couple! My my! What a shame it would be if someone would oh I don't know... "WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY!" I screamed day the top of my lungs. My idiotic of a son fell off the bed meanwhile my future daughter-in-law sat up fast and looked around.

"Crap!" I hear Alastor yell in "pain". I laugh and sat down on the bed of theirs. "Good morning Charlie!" I said in a sweet loving tone, she half-heartedly smiled I smile brightly at her. I look at my son who was now getting up and dusting himself.

"Mother...WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" He half yelled, I stare at him blankly. I blinked twice and  held a finger up and waved it around. "Son, it's time for work! And work won't work itself! Now will it?" I smirked, he rolled his eyes and walked to his dresser.

"Envite your mother to live with you, it'll be fun they say." He mumbled under his breath, but we all know mothers hear very well when their child is acting up. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, I then smacked the back of his head.

"Give your poor old mother some manners! I may be old but I have a good ear!" He raised a brow and looked at me and laughed. I smiled but tried acting serious. "You both are very strange." Charlie said walking up to us, she had made the bed when I was talking to my son.

"We very much are! Aren't we?" I smiled at her, I was only a few inches taller than her. I patted her head, "You will get used to it, darling!" My singing like voice echoed.

She smiled and laughed a little.
Charlie's POV

Ms. Ace left our room to let us change and get ready. I guess we've been kinda over sleeping lately. This is the second time she's done this. I really love her energy, why is she in hell? She doesn't give off any bad vibes, or she doesn't seem much mischievous like any other demon.

"Could it be?" I said a little to loudly, Alastor quietly walked up right behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and asked, "Could it be what? What are you thinking in the beautiful mind of yours sweetheart?"

"Oh nothing much, just...thinking is all." Alastor didn't seem convinced. "My love, I've known you for a year and we've been an item for quite a while. I know when you're lying. Please..tell me what is the matter. Maybe I can ease your mind?" He said in a soft voice, he radio sounding voiced wasn't much radio sounding.

I looked at my right and sighed. I wasn't going to tell him the truth but there was something else bothering me. "M-my father and mother are coming over for a visit soon." I sounded depressed about it.

My father doesn't know I'm engaged with his enemy! My mother hasn't even responded to any of my messages or calls!! Dad always left me alone, so why are they coming over?!

Alastor sighed and let go of me, he turned me around and looked at me straight into my eyes. He didn't seem angry or annoyed, he seemed happy? "Then we shall see them soon! When are they coming?" He asked.

I bit my lower lip and looked down at the ground. I've been dreading this for a long time, but I forgot about it when I met Al. I looked up at him, his smile bright as ever. I sighed and responded, "T-tomorrow."


"I-I'm sorry! I just forgot about it and-" I got cut off by a kiss, a quick and sudden one. I kissed Alastor back and hugged him when we parted. "I'm sorry! I can call and cancel if you'd like!" I said as I hugged him tight. He chuckled, I looked up at him and gave him a confused look.

"Don't worry darling! I'll be on my best behavior, and I need to notify Husk, Nifty and Rosie. Ana doesn't even know the man, my mom downs either-" I decided to cut him off.

"Why do you need to notify them?" I asked curiously, he gazed into my eyes and responded, "Sweetheart, he's our enemy! Not our friend. We don't exactly get along love." I nodded as I understood and agreed that it's best if he told them.

"Now, let's get dressed!" Alastor put on some old times clothing that I haven't seen him wearing,he wore a mineworker outfit. (The one below) I thought his new outfit was cute!

Alastor left and went into his office, I myself got dressed into my normal clothing, I just didn't put on my jacket

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Alastor left and went into his office, I myself got dressed into my normal clothing, I just didn't put on my jacket. I sighed.

Why are they coming? We scheduled this mow the ago! Why now?! Why?! WHY?! Why are they like this?! I forgot about this when I first met Al! Ugh! Not fair not fair not fair not fair!!! This is why I moved! I couldn't take more of their bullshit! Let's just hope they all get along...

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