Red Room

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Lyra woke up once the water hit her face. Her panting filled the room and she caught her breath. She glanced around the room.

5 demons in total.

2 in front of her, 1 by the door which is made of metal, and from her senses 2 behind her.

"So...Lucifer sent all of you to hunt me down, huh?" Lyra rhetorically asked. They all kept silent.

"You really think he'll succeed? Demons can't go into heaven. You're all pathetic to not know that." Lyra scoffed.

"He found a way." One stated, Lyra looked up at him, "And hows that?" She asked. They all grinned, "The day you sacrificed yourself for that pathetic demon, you were sucked into the air. Particles of you were left behind." One answered.

Lyra's eyes slightly widen. "Basically..I helped?" She asked, they all grinned.

"You know I think you should-" they cut her off by black vines shutting her up.

Tentacles wrapped themselves around her waist, "You ask too many questions." One says as he neared her. "We will use that mouth to good use." He winks at her, "I'm sorry but I'm not interested." She says as the demon approached.

"Funny, you don't have a choice." Another says as he unzipped his pants.

"I wonder what she looks like under that suit. I can just imagine it, the thought of it-" the blonde one gets cut off by Lyra.

"Why don't you untie me and then you can rip it off? I can make your fantasies come true." She winked at them, she saw the lust in their eyes and had to hold in the gag as one palmed himself.

Fortunately, they're stupid demons who are under a trance from Lyra. She's purposely doing this to beat the living shit out of them.

One she felt her wrists free she got up and rubbed them. "Now...where were we?" She asked before her fist went into a flan and punched one.

She had the upper hand as her whole body went into flames. She used this to her advantage as they couldn't get a punch in.

She grabbed a guy and twisted his arm, hearing a deafening crunch as he fell down. After a while she pants and he whole body went back to normal.

She had just noticed the room was red. "Huh.... that's cool." She stated before turning to the door. "D? You got this right?" She asked her alter ego who hummed.

She felt her eyes changed to a deep crimson red, DL placed her finger on the door and made a circle before punching it open.

Lyra's eyes went back to a deep dark chocolate, she stepped out and walked down the long hall. "At this rate...heaven would be dead if we don't leave immediately." Lyra mumbled to herself.

She stopped when she noticed an open door and heard a sob come from inside. She looked to her left and then to her right.

"Anyone in there? If so, don't kill me!" She called out as she walked in. There she saw a sad looking black haired woman.

She looked up at Lyra and her eyes widened. "Ophelia..." Lyra whispered, she could feel her heart racing.

"A-Ana?" Ophelia propped herself up to face Lyra, Lyra walked up to her and kneeled down, taking off her suit jacket and putting it on Ophelia.

"Come with me, I'm getting us out of here." Lyra helped her hand out for Ophelia to grab who didn't hesitate.

Once she was pulled up her eyes went up, looking into Lyra's eyes. "I thought we were the same height." She whispered, "I-I grew?!"


"You changed...physically...but other than your height and're still the same." Ophelia softly says as they walked down the long hall.

Lyra softly chuckled, "I hadn't noticed how much I've changed. I guess I was busy with other things that I just didn't take notice." Lyra truthfully answered.

"An-Lyra, What you said it true? Is heaven really going to fall if you don't get there fast enough?" Ophelia asked as she placed her hand on Lyra's arm.

She looked down at her and nods, "It's a prophecy. The fall of heaven. I've read it, the book I mean. If I don't get there, it will fall into the hands of Lucifer." Ophelia let out a sigh.

"So much had changed since I left." She said in a sad tone, Lyra looked down at her and nodded. "What happened to you?" Lyra asked.

"My parents..I was to marry a man. Turned out that that man was a demon. He killed my parents and took me down here. But the wedding never happened since he only just wanted a doll to play with."

"Oh god. Come here." Lyra pulled Ophelia into a hug. "I thought angels couldn't die." Ophelia sniffled, "Even though they forced me to be with a man...I still loved them to death." Ophelia says as she buried herself into the warm embrace of Lyra.

She was much smaller compared to Lyra who was now 5'7, Ophelia was still 5'3.

"I think I got your parents justice, I had to kill those men." Ophelia looked up to meet Lyra's eyes. "You're safe now, I will not let anyone hurt you ever again." Lyra softly says.

Ophelia smiled softly up at the white blonde. "I promise to not let you go." Lyra added, Ophelia only sighed contently as she hugged Lyra again.

"Thank you."

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