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"Lyra." Jensens voice never sounded so soft and gentle before. My heart raced, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I nervously but my lower lip and looked at Jensen.

"Lyra, I'm in love with you. I think I always have, I just didn't want to rush things but I don't want to keep waiting and waiting. I know I'm risking our friendship by doing this but I- I really love you." My eyes widen, I look into his eyes and hugged him.

"I love you too. Always have and always will, Jensen." He hugs me back once he wasn't shocked anymore. We look into each others eyes and slowly get closer.

Our nose touch, "Haven't done this in a while." He smirked, I felt my face get warm. Before he kissed me we both get interrupted by...Jack.

"Hey! Idiots!" He yells as he was running towards us.  I look at Jensen who sighed, I half smile. "You forgot to pick me up from counseling!" I look at Jensen who smiled.

"Whoops." Jack grabbed some of Jensen's shirt, "Hey! Knock it off Jack!" I try pushing him but now luck ;-;

"You can't fight me, shorty!" He points at me, I sigh from defeat. "Look, I'm sorry but I forgot alright? No biggie, now calm down." Jensen says as he walked behind Jack and rubs his shoulders.

" Relájate." Jensen says in Jacks shoulder, he hits Jacks neck with the side of his hand. "Come on, we need to teleport him to my house quickly!" I look at him confused and surprised.

"Since when did you get a house?" I ask, he smiled and we suddenly returned to his house. I look around in awe, we were in the living room.

Jack was passed out on Jensen's couch. "I've always had it, just only went to my 'roommate me because I like being with my friends at times."

"Oh. This place is nice." I say as I look around, Jensen chuckled. We hear Jack groan, he looked around and sat up.

"Where the hell am I?" He asked, he spots me and raised a brow. "My house, now if you don't mind can you leave?" Jensen asked, Jack rolled his eyes and got up.

"I'll bother you later, scumbag." Jack says as he walked out the door. Jensen sigh but smiled once she saw me awkwardly smiling.

"Where were we?" He asked with a smile, I feel my cheeks get warm. "I love you." I softly say, he walked closer to me and kneeled down, "I love you too."

I put my hand son his face and kiss him, he kisses me back. He lifts me up continues kissing me, "I don't know if it's too late to ask but will you be my girlfriend?" I nod and we hug.

After a while we say goodbye when he took me back home. I have class tomorrow so I needed my sleep, and I don't have a dorm since I wasn't ready to leave nana.

"I'm home nana!" I say as I open the door, I close it and hear something hurrying to meet me. I giggle once Benito cane towards me.

"Hey little buddy!" I say as I hug him, "There you are, where were you? I was getting worried." Grandma says once she came to me.

"I went with Jensen. I'm sorry I didn't call you, I didn't mean to worry you." I went to her and hugged her. "I'm just glad you're back in one piece." I smile and walk back to my room.

I lay down and smile up at the ceiling. "What a wonderful day." I say as I close my eyes. What a wonderful day indeed.

My little fawn [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now