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Loud laughter can be heard from a small alley way. "THIS IS GOLD!" Jack says in his fit of laughter, Demon Lyra glared at him.

"SHUT UP! This is no LAUGHING matter whatsoever! I'm in this ducking body because of Lyra!" She yelled, Jack's laughter slowly died down.

"Oof, and this is my problem because?" Jack asked, leaning on the wall. DL was sitting in a crate, arms folded.

She wore Jacks basketball shorts and grey shirt, DL even found Lyra's old shoes from 4th grade and clean socks.

"Because! I need to hide somewhere, and I need to stay at your place for a while until I can find Lyra and force her back." DL says, calming down.

"Dude. I don't think my roommate will be acceptive of that." Jack says, a disgusted look on his face. "Well, dude, your roommate is going to have to tolerate it!"

Moments later

"Awww! I didn't know you had a niece! She's cute." Jacks roommate, Alexei, says kneeling down to DL's level.

"Uhhh, yeah, she's staying over if that's cool" Jack asked, he seemed nervous and his cheeks were slightly red.

DL took notice and hid a grin. "Of course it is! I think we have enough blankets." Alexei says as he was now standing up properly.

"Thank you Sir! You are so kind." DL says with a wide smile. Alexei smiled at her and nods, "Of course! You're welcome anytime, with your parents permission of course."

DL nods, "I'll be right back, I need to run some errands. I'll be back in an hour or two." Alexei says as he pats Jacks shoulder.

The door closed and DL turned back around to Jack. Who was smiling, "Jack has a cru-ush!" DL repeated 5 times.

"Never speak of this." Jack warned her. The two sat on the couch.

" he really your roommate?" DL asked, Jack sighed. "Yeah, he's open about his sexuality. He's gay and is happy that I don't care but little does he know." Jack muttered the last 5 words.

"You like him, don't you?" DL asked, Jack shot his head up. "I'm gonna get the room ready, stay here or whatever." Jack says standing back up.

He walked to his room, DL felt bad for making him uncomfortable. She knew that feeling, both her and Lyra do.

Loving someone who probably won't love you back because they know who you really are. DL sighed.

She too fell in love with Ophelia.

Everyone thinks that the angel who was once a demon can't possibly feel anything. Or think that the inner demon is just a separate part of you. Buts it's not like that at all, the inner demon in you is the same.

Yes it's opposite but it's the same you, just more....broken. If that's even possible.

DL had seen and experienced some of that pain Lyra went through.

She felt bad but always brushed it off, "It's not like it's me anyways." She'd always tell herself.

Now without Lyra, she can't help but feel....empty.

The two don't know this but they need eachother. The need eachother because they are what make Lyra.

Lyra hates that DL wants to "protect" her, DL hates that she feels weird without Lyra.

One wants to be free, the other wants to just...feel.

The two just don't know what they want.

Love or freedom. Which one? How would they know? The only love they ever felt was from their family back in Hell.

Their first crush, Ophelia, and now there's Jensen. He's kind and has the warmest smile.

But Ophelia seemed like she knew their pain. She was the first one to really be kind to them. They hadn't experienced kindness in a while.

Lyra and DL both miss the hugs and the late night sneaking out to just hang out.

Lyra misses Jensen and wants to come back to him, DL thinks that the two need to just be alone, together.

DL turned to see the door open. "Hey kiddo." Alexei says as he walked in. He was tall, 6'4 to be exact.

Alexei walked back to his room with a bag of things he bought from a store. Jack came out momentarily.

He sat down next to DL. "You've been sitting here for two hours. What's wrong?" Jack asked, DL looks day the clock and sure enough Jack was right.

She had been sitting there for two hours, thinking.

"I don't know." DL responded, "I guess I just feel....weird." She says.

"Go get some rest. I already set a spot for me to sleep, you can sleep on my bed." DL looked at him with a disgusted look.

"Relax, I never bring a girl over." DL sighed in relief, making Jack chuckle.

She took her shoes off and pulled the blanket over her. She couldn't stop thinking about Lyra.

"Fuck. Why am I even thinking about that asshole?" DL scolded herself, "Uuuughhhh!" She groaned into the pillow.

"God, why am I even thinking about her for real?" DL says as she kicked her feet up. Without her I just feel empty inside, what the hell is happening to me?

She heard a knock but it wasn't from Jacks door. She softly smiled as she heard Alexei's gentle voice.

"I'm rooting for you Jackie." DL whispered. "I'm not letting someone repeat my mistake." She added as her eyes grew heavier.

My little fawn [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now