Momma's back

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No ones POV

It's been a few months since Alastor and Charlie have been together, Anais and Charlie get along well, very well. Angel dust has been a babysitter for the new happy couple, he has slightly changed. He keeps his dirty mouth and thoughts hidden from Anais.

Everyone else has been working in the hotel, a few demons come in and get the help they want. Everyone's been been doing good, Vaggie and Anais have gotten a bit closer. Vaggie likes having a friend to hangout with.

One afternoon there was a knock on the door, everyone was working. Charlie and Anais were playing dolls together. They went out and checked who was knocking. It didn't sound like Alastor's, he was out to get some errands done.

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Charlie's POV

I was very much confused as to who was at the door, at first I thought it was a demon wanting to be redeemed but they would usually just walk in and ring the bell. I knew it wasn't Al, his knocking is much more different. It sounded like banging.

Anais looked at me with worried eyes. I think she's a bit scared, I smiled at her and I held her hand. She had both her hands holding my left hand. We slowly walked to the door, I didn't open it immediately, I was a bit scared myself.

"It's not daddy." Anais whispered, "That sounds like mommy's knocks when she's angry." Anais added with fear in her voice. I scooped up Anais and carried her to my office. "Hey, I know you're scared..I'll go check who it is. You can come back when you hear me say goodbye. I'll come back I promise." I smiled at her as I sat her on my office chair. She nodded, I didn't want her to get hurt if it was her mother.

"Code red." I half whispered yelled. Everyone nodded and went back to work, they all got an idea as to what I meant. I opened the door, sure enough the demon in front of me looked like the description Al said a while back. I got a bit concerned, "May I help you miss?" I asked the blonde demon.

She looked at me with an annoyed look, she seemed a bit angry. "Where's my daughter?" She asked I a firm voice. I made me jump, I wasn't really expecting that. "I don't know who your daughter-" she cut me off, she waved her hand in front of me.

She then got even angrier, I gulped. I didn't know what this woman was incapable of doing. In the blink of an eye she slapped me, very hard. I put my hand over the cheek she slapped.

"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER DAMNIT!" She said in a voice so high pitched that Alastor could've heard it 3 miles away. Everyone rushed to my aid, they all held back the angry demon. I was hoping that Alastor would arrive soon. I was getting more anxious by the second.

"Stop!" A small voice yelled from behind me. I turned around and saw Anais outstretch her arm, it seemed like her eyes were fully covered in red. She didn't have radio dials, or the radio voice, but she was upset.

"Leave her alone! I don't want you as my mom anymore!" She yelled out again. The demon looked surprised, she then furrowed her eyebrows, "Come here Anais! It's obvious your turning out like your father! Look at you! I'm trying to protect you!" The demon yelled.

Anais seemed even more upset. She glared at her mother, "SHUT UP! I don't love you anymore! I don't love you I don't love you I don't love you!" Anais yelled at the top of her lungs. Husk ran to her and held her, she kept fighting back, I guess she wanted to fight with her mother.

"I'm tired of the verbal and emotional abuse! So what if I'm like dad! At least he doesn't hurt me!" She cried out. There was a small silence. "Get our of here Mimzy." A dark deep radio static like voice said from being the angry mom demon, Mimzy.

She turned around, we all did. It was Alastor, he seemed beyond pissed. His smile was small but visible. His radio dials were going crazy, the aura around him was terrifying. Mimzy was shocked, she then composed herself.

"Give my daughter back! I have the right to take her back with me!" She walked up to Al when she said this. Alastor just glared at her, he didn't even blink. "You listen to me and you listen good. I will not give up MY daughter to a horrible mother! I heard everything Mimzy! Every single word! Now get the hell out of here!" Alastor's voice sounded a bit static and rough.

"I'm trying to keep her form becoming like a monster like you!" Mimzy yelled back. Alastor stared at her, "Cover your years my sweet fawn!" Alastor said in a sweet condescending voice. Anais did what she was told. She covered her hair shaped deer ears.

"Give me my daughter back, Al." Mimzy said in a cold voice. Alastor smirked at her, "I'm sorry? You're going to remind me of exactly who the fuck you think you are." He said in an even colder voice.

Black circles appeared under his eyes, his radio dials still going haywire, and his smile grew malicious. Mimzy seemed a bit scared because she backed up away from him. She then hugged and left.

"Fine then, have it your way. If she does the same shit like you, don't come back to me crying that your 'precious daughter' has grown frightful!" Mimzy said this in a tone so passive aggressive.

Alastor rolled his eyes and walked up to Husk who was still holding Anais. Husk gave Alastor his daughter, Anais hugged her father tight. She then sobbed onto his red dress shirt. Alastor patted her hair.

"Are you alright my fawn?" He asked her in a sweet voice. His radio dials calmed down, Anais nodded her head. He sighed and held her. He then looked at me. He walked up to me while holding Anais in his arms.

"Are you alright my dear? She didn't hurt you badly did she?" He said in a concerting voice. His soft smile was a bit desperate, like he really needed to know if I was alright.

"Yes. She slapped me but it won't leave a mark." I replied to him. He placed a finger under my chin, he examined my face. He then smiled again, he hugged me with his right arm. I hugged him and Anais back.

We stayed like that for a while.

"We're safe now papa, she won't hurt Charlie anymore. I know it. Because if she does, I'll hurt her." Anais said in a soft voice. Me and Alastor looked at each other, we chuckled. "I'll remember than my little fawn." Al responded.

Alastor looked into my eyes, his smile faded into a soft smile. I smiled back at him, he then gave me a peck on the lips. I blushed and internally screamed inside. He laughed, while I was trying to calm down my heart.

(A/n): HEY! I would like to thank everyone who keeps showing this whole story love! It makes my day and keeps me motivated to make more chapters! If you haven't heard, I made a sequel to "Why him?/Why her?" It's called "Not so sinful?" Also I'd like to thank everyone for giving this 1k votes! Ahh! I love you all so so much! Alright have an amazing day🥰😚❤️❤️❤️❤️

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