The flower

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Lyra grabbed both Jacks hands. She smiled up at him, "I know we both step on the wrong foot. I hope overtime we can become friends. With both me and DL." She says softly.

Jack has an empty expression but slightly smiled at the red head. "Of course idiot!" He says pulling her into a hug.

"It's not like you can get rid of me anyways." Lyra smile. "Yeah."

She pulled away from his tight hug, "Before I go...If you ever need to come to me or you need me to come to you, plant these. Whenever and whatever you want, pull a petal off and wish for my presence or wish to come see me." Lyra gave him a small pouch that contained seeds.

"What flower is it?" He asked holding the pouch up. "Me."


"Look at you gardening." Alexei says, catching Jack watering the growing flowers. "Heh, you caught me." Jack smirked as he got up.

"I bet they'll be beautiful." Alexei says, star struck by how fast the flowers have grew. It had only been a week and the stem had already popped out!

"Not as beautiful as you in that skirt you wore a week ago~" Jack cooed into Alexei's ear. Alexei blushes and put both hands on Jacks chest, putting his head down.

"Awww, is someone blushing?" Jack asked, smirking. Suddenly Alexei grabbed onto the collar of Jacks shirt, Alexei pulled him in closer.

"I can wear it again if you want to. We can go for another round, I don't mind~" Alexei says, Jack chuckled.

"You're adorable, and yes please!"


Jack sat there in bed, he soft snoring from Alexei was the only sound in the room. It had been 7 more months passed, in two months the next years would come upon them all.

Jack has wondered if Lyra was safe, she left in such a hurry and didn't tell him where she'd go.

He got up quietly and got out to the flower pot that rested in his old room. His old room was clean and empty, he had started sleeping in Alexei's room.

He examined the flower, it was very beautiful.

It was a deep shade of blue, the tips were white, te two color mixed together. The stem was a little dark green than most of the other flowers.

Once he almost touched it, vines had come up and wrapped themselves around his finger. This caught him by surprise but smiled.

"Hey Ly." He softly whispered, "I guess I should see you, not that miss you or anything! Ugh, as if." Jack groaned, he looked back at the flower that was now glowing with a blue hue.

"I was kidding, I kinda miss you." He says, softly chuckling. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to come and visit you, would it now?" He asked.

The vines let go of his finger, he reached for a petal and took a deep breath. "Here I come." He whispered.

My little fawn [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now