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Demon Lyra's (DL) pov

I walk around heaven for a while before my shift starts. "You're awfully quiet." I say under my breath so no one notices me.


"Have you finally stopped fighting it? Good choice, now you know what it was like for me." I smirk, I stop by a park and snap my fingers.

A blanket was on the ground and I lay on it. "Please, let me out." A small voice begged.

"Stop fighting it. I'm only doing this because you can't protect yourself for shit. You wouldn't even defend yourself when your mother hit you." I snap.

"She's our mother!" I laugh, "Not anymore. Stop trying to excuse her abusing you with pointless lies."


"I'm taking care us. You really need to learn to protect yourself. Besides you can sit there and reflect, maybe remember everything."

At work

I stood there looking around, how can you do this everyday! This is so boring, I think to myself.

"Stop!" I perk up and look to my left. "Come on just give me your number." A man says, I see had his hands on the young woman.

I continue watching, "I don't have a phone!" The woman yelled, she looked very uncomfortable. "Yes you do! I saw you texting someone! Just give me a chance, I'm a nice guy!" I set up and walk straight to them.

"Hey!" I yell, the two look at me. The man glared at me, I glared back. "You leave her alone." I say with a stern look.

"Or what? You can't do shit, you're just a little girl." The man said he walked straight to me. He eyed me down, "Misogynist much?" I ask him.

He was about to say something but I cut him off, "I would be careful on your next words. You wouldn't want to piss me off." The man laughed.

"What's a scrawny girl like you going to do?!" I narrow my eyes and grab his wrist I spin him around and had my arm around his neck.

"This is what we're going to do, you're going to either leave her alone or I'm going to escort you out myself." I say.

The man struggled, "Not bad for a scrawny little girl like myself huh?" I ask, the man starts choking. "Ma'am!" I look up, the woman looked terrified.

I let go of the man and he fell to his knees. He was trying to catch his breath. "You're banned from this store for good." I say, I walk away.

Later I was seated across from my boss. "Lyra do you know why you're here?" The manager asked, I think to myself.

"I was doing my job." I say shrugging, he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Lyra, I know... being a security guard is cool but we need you to be more calmer than this."

"So...I should've told the man who was harassing a woman to leave?" I ask, my manager nods and was about to say something.

"No, I did warn him to leave her alone. He didn't listen and continued to argue with me. So I did what I thought would get his attention." I say calmly.

"Lyra, I don't think you get what I'm trying to say-" I hold my hand up. "I'm fired for helping that girl out from being harassed. You know if I didn't step up, she would've been sexually harassed. But I stopped it, didn't I?" I ask.

My manager stuttered, "I thought good people only needed up in heaven, not the bad." I say crossing my arms.

"I'm fired, aren't I?" I ask, my manager says nothing. "It was nice knowing you. I'll be sure not to do this again in my next job." I say as I stood up and walked away.

I changed into my regular clothing and walk away from that shitty expensive mall. "You suck at picking out jobs." I say rolling my eyes, "it was the only job that was open for hiring."

"Whatever. It sucks anyways." I say, I was outside by now. "Hey!" I look to my left. "Oh great." I say as the same man asked up to me.

"You embarrassed me in front of the whole goddamn store!" The man looked angry. "Did I hurt your feelings? Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't know your ego was that fragile!" I say sarcastically.

The man grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. "My feelings aren't hurt." The man said sternly. I giggle.

"If they weren't then why are you bothering me?" I ask, the man grew angrier. "You woman are so fucking annoying." I raid a brow.

"Oof. Ok, but that's my problem how?" I ask, he threw me to the ground. "I wish woman like you would rot in hell."

I glare at him. "Oh no." I smile, "Oh no is right." I say.

The man's eyes grew wide, I had guessed it's because my eyes turned red. "I did rot in hell, ass wipe." I stand up and walk to him.

He walked back, frantically. "Y-you're that girl from h-high school! The one who killed those kids!" He points at me, he against a street light.

"I am." I smirk, I held my hand up, a red aura ball was floating on top.

I closed my hand and the man was lifted up above the ground, he began choking. "Stop! Please!"

"Let...go p-please." The man struggled to say, tears spilled from his eyes. "You were one of them. You bullied me through high school. You're lucky you weren't around me when those kids dropped." I held my other hand up and clashed it with the closed fist.

The man stopped struggling. I drop my hands to the ground. "Nice." I turn my head. "I got fired by the way." I say, Jack chuckled.

"What did you do?" He asked, I turn to him. "What I had to do. Now let's go." He nods and we both start walking.


"Let me out!!!! Please!"


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