Prom Night

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Both Anais and Jensen run out of the gym doors and laugh. They continue running to the park that's as a few minutes away. They stop and were underneath a tree.

"What a fun night." Anais smiled at Jensen. He nods and both their chuckling dies down. "I'm glad I met you, Ana- I mean Melani." Anais giggled.

"One day I'll change my name. My mom picked it out for me." Anais shrugged her shoulders, "I'd like to meet her, and your dad." Anais frowned.

"I'm not in good terms with my mom. Just calling her that makes me mad." Anais looks down, Jensen puts a hand on Anais' shoulder.

"You can tell me, I know we just met...if it bothers you-" Anais cuts him off, "It's fine. If we're going to be friends we might as well get to know each other better."

They both sat down underneath the tree, Jensen let Anais borrow his jacket. Anais wore a modest dress (the one above) but it didn't keep her warm.

Anais went on to talk more about herself, just the summary. There are some things she left out, she talked highly about her father and her friend, Angel Dust.

"Wow. So everyone in your childhood has bullied you because you weren't in heaven for the first 8 years of your life?" Anais nods.

"And you still get bullied?" Anais shakes her head, "Not as much, no. Just some ignorant people being...mean. But at least now I have you." Anais looked at Jensen and smiled.

"I know what it's like to be made fun of for something as well..." Jensen rubs his neck, Anais looks at him with a confused look.

"My brother— twin brother was an angel...but he was like the evil twin. So he's stuck in hell, for a little while only." I look at him concerned.

"I'm sure he'll come back." I put a hand on his shoulder. He chuckled, "That's the thing, I don't want him back. He's someone who wants to be liked, he's toxic. He's just like his father." He says with a angry tone.

"I'm sorry." I pull my hand away, Jensen sighed and grabbed my hand, we both intertwine our fingers. "I'm sorry. I just— if he ever came back he'd just ruin his life over again. He can't be changed to be good. I don't want you to ever meet him. I want to keep you safe from him."

I smile and thanked him softly. We both looked into each other's eye, we got close and closer until our noses touched. He pressed his lips onto mine, a sweet kiss, my first kiss.

We pull away and smile, we look down and see many flowers around us. I nervously chuckle, "With the little amount of time I got to know you Melani, I had realized that I like. I know it's stupid to fall in love in first sight but—"

I put my finger on his lips, "We take it slow? I understand, I'd like to know you more...then we can be together...more than friends." I suggest, he nods.

We hug each other for a while, after that he took me back home and we said our goodnight and goodbyes.

I couldn't sleep at all, it was a magical moment for me. I had my first kiss! I just met Jensen 2 hours ago, and fell in love 2 seconds once I was alone with him.

How can that possibly happen? Is that how papa was with Charlie? Did he too fall in love so quickly with her? I wish I had him here so I can ask, and tell him about Jensen.

I miss you, dad. I really do, maybe one day I'll get you to meet him...someday. Hopefully soon.

I smile as I stare at the ceiling, clutching onto Jensens jacket. The jacket I forgot to give him back, I'll return it soon.

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