Part 6

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Alex- Prinxiety will come a little while later since I'm expecting this to be a long story but don't worry. It is coming!


I arrived at work early this morning to get work done but now it's the middle of the day and I have barely anything at all.

My mind keeps going back to the cheery man! I can't stop it.... I'm thinking and working and then its just him in my head.

I groan loudly. Why is this happening? I can't think straight... I need to get my work done though so I'll have to push through it.

Time skip- End of work day.

I thankfully got everything finished preventing me from having to do overtime. I'm sick of walking home everyday. I still don't have my car back from the shop unfortunately.

I sit on my usual bench for a moment to gather my thoughts. I let out a rather large sigh. Ugh what am I doing? I try to tell myself I'm happy but am I? How long has it been since I've actually felt the emotion happiness without having to force it?

My thoughts are suddenly disrupted by someone tapping me on the shoulder.

It's the cheery man. I can't help being deeply confused about why he was standing right next to me.

"Hello! I'm Patton Hart! I'm a teacher at the school across the street and wanted to say hello since I've been seeing you sitting here for the last few days...."

I stare at the man in front of me. He chuckles nervously, I decide to introduce myself. "Salutations Patton, my name is Logan Oakwood."


"Nice to meet you!" I say to him. "Indeed. Nice to meet you as well," he replies. His voice is so soft and deep.. his words came out casually yet extremely formally, it was weird but in a good way. I decide to break the moment of silence with a question. "What's your job?" "Office manager of the office down the road." He points down the road at the large building.

"That's cool! That you're a manager I mean..." "Yes I suppose it is" he says with a laughing tone. I got a weird feeling that he didn't laugh often. We talk for a few more minutes casually about the weather and other small talk topics. I see a little smile forming at the side of his face throughout our conversation.

We're in the middle of chatting when I suddenly remember that I'm meeting my friend today. I check my watch, I really need to go now if I don't want to be late... I really don't like being rude but...

"I'm sorry I have to go now because I'm meeting a friend but I'll see you tomorrow maybe!" I say to Logan. He nods his head slightly and says "I shall most likely be here at a similar time tomorrow, coming back from work as my car is still being repaired." "Okay see you then!" I say while running at full speed down the road towards my friends apartment building. Smiling from ear to ear.


I watch the cheery man or Patton run down the road at full speed. I feel something tugging at my lips. I decide to ignore it.

I should go home now.

I'm Happy. Right? Logicality (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now