Part 12

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I close messages and turn off my phone.

He's single!!

Ugghhhhhh I wish I knew if he was straight or not!!

I don't even know how I feel about him... Do I like him?

My thoughts are interrupted by a figure in the corner of my eye.


I see Logan walking around the corner holding a lot of drinks in his arms, walking slowly so he doesn't spill any of them. I giggle a little at the tall man that comes off as someone that always hides weakness struggling to hold the drinks in his hands.

I look at him for a few more seconds but I realize that he's actually struggling.

I run up to help him because he is definitely going to drop one of them.

"Patton?" He says alarmed at my sudden entry, almost spilling all of the drinks.

"Hi Logan! Do you need some help?" I say looking at the multiple drinks he's holding.

"Oh yes please" he says while handing me three of the drinks.

"You looked like you were really struggling to carry these."

"Yes well it's not a skill that I was taught when being trained for office manager." He says jokingly.

I let out a rather big laugh at his joke and I swear I see him smile slightly.

"Want me to help you carry these to your building Lo?"

"Oh no it's fine you probably have to head back to work as well" he says although I can tell that he's unsure whether or not he can make it to the building with the drinks.

"It's fine Lo! I came at my usual time but it turns out school isn't on today! Maybe I should listen to things that go on in staff meetings... But anyway I've got the day off!"

"Well if that's the case then some help would be appreciated."

We get to his office and carry the drinks inside. Everyone acknowledges Logan arriving with the coffees and we set them on the table by the as Logan describes it 'less then adequate coffee maker'.

I decide to small talk a bit with a few people in the office because why not?

People one by one pick up their coffee and I notice one guy looking at me as he takes his.

He seems to notice that I came in with Logan and that I'm chatting to some people. He looks from me to Logan,  walks up to him and grabs him by the arm and pulls him into the office titled 'Mr Oakwood' and shuts the door.

I ignore the strange behavior and continue chatting to some of the workers that decided to take their breaks.


"Virgil why have you dragged me into my office?" He asks rather confused but not showing it well.

"What is going on Logan?" I ask demanding answers.

"Who the hell is that?" I saw pointing outside the window to the light haired, freckly man talking to my coworkers.

"That's Patton" he states, matter of factly.

"And Patton is?"

"My friend"

"You have a friend?"


"You have a friend beside me?


"YOU have a friend?!"

"Yes Virgil. I have a friend I met him on the way home from work last week."

"... how did you make a friend?"

Logan looks at me, clearly not amused.

"If this is all you brought me in here for I shall take my leave and go get my coffee."

"Finnnneeeeeeee go get your coffee"



"Please exit my office"

I follow him out of his office and head over to Patton.

"Hey!" He says cheerily.

Jeez... just by looking at this guy I can see that he's a very emotional and excited person. So why are him and Logan friends?

I need to find out.

"My names Patton! What's yours?" He says looking at me with a wide grin.

"Virgil Sanders..." I say quietly.

"That's a cool name!" He says happily. God what is it about this guy that makes you want to smile with him?

He's like an anti Logan! Although they seem different that might be why they get along.

Logan walks over to us and start conversing with Patton as I just examine the interaction. Patton tells and awful pun about dogs and...






In the middle of my freak out Patton gets a text. He reads it and says he should probably get going soon.

"Hey Logan!"

Logan turns to face him with full attention.

"Yes Patton?"

"Do you want to go grab a coffee or something at the cafe later?"

Well Logan doesn't really hang out with people often so....

"Sure Patton" Logan says.

"Cool I'll text you a time!"

I almost choke on my drink.


"I should really get going now sorry. See you later Logan! And I'll hopefully see you sometime Virgil!". He says as he walks out the door.

"I should really get back to work now" Logan says to me.

"Yeah I've gotta go too because I've got the rest of the day off. But good luck on your date Logan!" I say as I turn on my heel and walk out the door, feeling Logan looking at me.

"It's not a-" he was cut off by the sound of the door closing behind me.

He is way too easy to tease.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was fun to write. Don't forget to vote and comment!


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