Part 27

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Tw: Alcohol (Nobody gets drunk).


"OKAY! TIME FOR CAKE!" Roman declares as him and Virgil walk towards me and Patton.

"Woohoo! Cake!" Patton jumps a little where he's standing in delight.

"Logan go get the cake because I have no idea where it is." Roman orders me.

"It wouldn't take a genius to check the fridge." I tell him as I walk to the fridge and pull out a white chocolate birthday cake.

I place it down on the table in front of them along with some candles and a lighter.

We light the candles one by one until there's a nice amount covering the cake.

"You ready to make a wish?" Patton asks and Virgil just shrugs.

"Sure." He replies with an easily seen smile. He steps to face the cake and stops for a second before blowing out all of the candles in a single breath.

"Time to eat!" Virgil beams and I grab plates while Roman gets a knife and a couple forks. We set them down and after about twenty minutes there's barely any left.

"That was delicious..." Patton says and smiles as he puts the remainder of the cake back in the fridge.

"You can say that again." Virgil replies and sits down beside Roman on the couch.

"That was delicious." Patton grins as he sits on the carpet in front of the couch.

"Do you wanna put on a movie?" Virgil asks all of us and before I can respond Roman suddenly gets very excited.

"LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" He exclaims and I groan.

"Yes!" Patton squeals and Roman turns to Virgil.

"Sure I guess..." He says quietly and Roman gleams at him. Roman finally looks at me.

"Logan?" He says looking for confirmation.

"Isn't that game supposed to be played by children?" I ask and Roman frowns.

"It doesn't matter anyway, the birthday boy said yes so we're all playing!" I groan again and Roman asks the first question.

"Patton, truth or dare?"

"Truth!" He says excitedly.

"What's something that you haven't told the group?" Roman asks and Patton stops for a second to think. Finally his eyes widen and he faces Roman again.

"I've told you but I sometimes struggle with self esteem issues." He says with the same happy tone as always.

I can't help but feel bad.

I feel bad that someone as amazing as Patton can sometimes fail to see how great he is.

I feel bad that for some reason he didn't tell us.

I feel bad that he admitted to having self esteem problems with his normal smile.

Does he hide his emotions?

Has he been sad around me before and I've just failed to notice?

Am I a bad friend?

"Logan your turn! Truth or Dare?" Patton asks cheerily.

I contemplate for a moment.


"What's the most idiotic mistake you've made?"

"Letting my brother borrow my car." I reply and mentally sigh as I remember the incident.

"Virgil, truth or dare?"

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