Part 15

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My mind goes back to yesterday in the cafe.

"You deserve to be happy with what you do Lo..."

"Don't forget that... Promise?"

End of flashback.

I feel my face get slightly warm at the thought of it.

What's happening to me? I never questioned my job choice before yesterday!

Whats that smiley man doing to me?

I hear a knock at my door.

It's Virgil.

"Hey Logan? You okay buddy?"

I straighten myself and look at Virgil.
"Yes I am fine"

"You sure? You don't look too good."

I assume that he's talking about the bags under my eyes (from thinking about what happened with Patton so much he didn't get any sleep) and what must be a fever since my face keeps feeling warm.

"Yes Virgil I am perfectly okay." He looks at me, clearly not believing it but decided to let it be.

"Okay... well I'm doing the coffee run today if you want anything."

"A black coffee would be nice. Thank you Virgil."

"No problemo." He says as he walks out the door.

"It's problem" I correct, but I can tell he don't listen.

I think back to my conversation with Patton...

I'm not happy?


I stand at the counter, bored out of my mind.

I. Hate. Wednesdays.

My 'in the middle of the week depression' is interrupted by the ding of the stupid bell at the door.

I look up to see that it's none other than then Logan's friend Virgil but wearing more formal clothes than he other day. I feel my face go a bit red after seeing him.

I'm totally not gay. I'm straight (as a rainbow fruit loop).

He walks over to the counter and surprises me with his order.

"One large black coffee, a regular tea, a regular latte and a large iced coffee."

"Jeez.. how much caffeine do you need you get you through the day storm cloud?"

"Haha very funny. I'm doing the office coffee run because the coffee machine we have is s**t."

"That'll be €8.65" he hands me a €10 note and I give him his change.

"So who got what?" I say while grabbing a marker to write names on the cups.

"Latte for Beth, tea for John, iced coffee for me and black coffee for Logan." I write down the names as he says them the look up at him.

"Could they have more officey names?"

"Nope." he says in a bit of a laughing tone.

"Is Patton dating anyone?" Virgil asks.

"Not that I know of... and I would because I'm his best friend!" I say proudly.

"Ok... Logan is single too by the way."

"Oh yeah I know he came in here before and I asked him."

We look up at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He says with a slight smirk.

"We need to get them together..." I say smiling as Virgil nods.

"But how? How do we get the pinnacle of happiness and the definition of nerdiness to start dating?" I ask, confused.

"Hey that's my best friend!"

"Oh... sorry for calling him a nerd."

"Jk he's a nerd."

"You're so mean!" I say offended at his guilt trip.

"Yep" he says while smiling evilly.

"But back to our problem... How to get them to date....."


We brainstorm a few ideas for a short bit but Virgil says he has to get back to work after I finish making the coffees. We exchange phone numbers so that we can chat about the problem later.

As he leaves he turns and says.

"See ya around Princey!" He winks and exits the cafe.

I feel my face start to glow a bright red.

Okay..... I might be gay.

I'm Happy. Right? Logicality (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now