Part 34

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It's Saturday and the last chapter was Friday if you weren't sure.

This story is such a mess ahhhhhhh



I stand outside the apartment building and wait for Logan to arrive.

Im pretty sure that I have the right address...

I grab my phone to double check.

Number four Charles Street.

Yep that's where I am. Is Logan just late? Logan is never late... What time is it?

I check the time on the corner of my screen.


Oh, I'm just early.

"Patton, you're early." I turn to face the familiar voice that I'm always glad to hear. Logan is standing a few metres away, wearing his usual shirt and tie with a small smile on his face.

"Hiya Lo!" I can feel the redness swell up in my cheeks as I run and wrap Logan into a tight hug. He hesitates for a second before bugging slightly back.

It isn't hug time Patton!

I release him and look away from him so don't blush even more.

"Sorry." To my surprise, he let out a small chuckle and took a step back so that there was some space between us.

"It's perfectly fine Pat, we can go in now if you would like. He messaged me they he's there." I nod in response and we start walking towards the building before I realise....


Did he call me Pat?

Was that just something I imagined?

"Logan! It's so great to see you!" A very smiley man that I don't recognize comes out of the building and heads straight for Lo.

"It's nice to see you too Thomas." Logan smiles back and waves at Thomas but Thomas pulls him into a hug. Logan laughs out loud and I can't help but feel a spark of jealously in me.


Jealousy is an ugly emotion.

That I'm 100% not feeling.



"So how have you been? Any news?" Tomas let go of Logan and they began catching up a bit.

"Not a lot has happened, Virgil is getting a promotion." Thomas's face grew a surprised smile.

"Really! I thought his boss was a bit too uptight for that." He snorted in laughter and Logan gave him an amused but also slightly stern look.

They talk for another minute before Logan walks over to me.

"This is my friend Patton, he's been looking for an apartment." Thomas gave me the same goofy grin that he gave Logan earlier and held out a his hand for a handshake. I took it and he shook it firmly. His handshake didn't seem to match his personality much.

"Wonderful to meet you Patton, anyone who is a friend of Logan, is a friend of mine."

I may be judging him too soon.

He actually seems really nice.

"Well, I suppose that you would like to take a look at the apartment now. It's right this way." He turns around and walks into the apartment building.

There are some potted plants, a cream and brown carpet, an elevator, stairs and other things to fill space. He leads us to the elevator and presses the button for the third floor.

"So it's a single bedroom apartment, there's an en suite and a bathroom by the living room, a kitchen, a living room and other things you'd expect. There's a laundry room on the first floor that's free to use and you can go onto the roof anytime but if you're having a party, please ask me and tell your neighbors if there will be noise." The elevator dings and the doors open to show a long hallway.

"It's the second door from the end." We continue walking until we're almost at the end of the hallway and he stops at the second last door.

-Timeskip because I don't want to write a super boring apartment tour that will bore the life out of you-

Logan and I step out of the building and I know I have a huge smile on my face.

The apartment is amazing.

It's everything that I'm looking for and it's in my price range!

I need to thank Logan.

"Hey Lo, my friend is having a barbeque tomorrow and I was wondering if you would like to come?" He turns his head to face me and for a second I think I see a faint smile.

"I'd enjoy that." We keep walking until we arrive at my building and he waves me goodbye.

I open messages in my phone as I walk into the building.

Patton: Logan can come tomorrow if the offer is still open.

Emile: Great! I'll see the both of you then :)

Patton: 👍

Hope you liked it!

I'm sorry that these chapters are short but motivation isn't on my side.

Thanks for reading.

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